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Scientific Concepts of Culture X755/X320 Fall 2004

IU E-Reserve and the local copies of articles linked below are password protected. If you are a student in the course who needs the password, you can log in at OnCourse to find the information or email me (slower). - CA

Reading Schedule (read before class on date shown)
see below for full citation information
Monday Reading Wednesday Reading
Oct 25 BONNER 1980 - class handout
WILLIAMS 1983 web | local
Oct 27 DAWKINS 1976 web | local
DENNETT 1990 web | local
Nov 01 BOYD & RICHERSON 2004 Ch1 local Nov 03 SPERBER 1996 E-Reserve
AUNGER 2000 E-Reserve
Nov 08 B&R 2004 Ch2 local Nov 10 B&R 2004 Ch3 local (Grant G. presents)
DENNETT 1998 web | local
Nov 15 B&R 2004 Ch4 local (Jason A. presents) Nov 17 RENDELL & WHITEHEAD 2001 see directions below
Nov 22 B&R 2004 Ch5 local (Kelsey R. presents)
MITHEN 1999 E-Reserve
Nov 24 No class (Thanksgiving recess)
Nov 29 B&R 2004 Ch6 local Dec 01 B&R 2004 Ch7 local
Dec 06 ABU-LUGHOD 1991 E-Reserve Dec 08 ASQUITH ms. local
DE WAAL 2001 E-Reserve


• ABU-LUGHOD 1991 "Writing Against Culture" in Recapturing Anthropology, Richard G. Fox, ed. (Santa Fe, NM School of American research Press: 1991). pages 137-162.
• ASQUITH ms. "Culture, protoculture and the biosocial divide: Japanese perspectives on the study of animal society." Talk given at TAMU in 2003.
Hard copy in HPS reading room
• AUNGER 2000 Darwinizing Culture (Oxford University Press: 2000) pages 1-23.
• BONNER 1980 The Evolution of Culture in Animals (Princeton University Press) pages 8-9.
class handout
• BOYD & RICHERSON 2004 Not by Genes Alone: How culture transformed human evolution.
local copy
• DAWKINS 1976/1989 "Memes: The new replicators", ch. 11 of The Selfish Gene (Oxford University Press).
public webspace copy [local copy]
• DENNETT 1990 "Memes and the Exploitation of Imagination" Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 48, 127-35.
Author's preprint [local copy]
• DENNETT 1998 "Memes: Myths, Misunderstandings and Misgivings", talk given at UNC
Author's transcript [local copy]
• DE WAAL 2001 The Ape and the Sushi Master (New York, NY Basic Books: 2001) pages 213-238.
• MITHEN 1999 "Symbolism and the Supernatural" in The Evolution of Culture, Robin Dunbar, Chris Knight, and Camilla Power, eds. (New Brunswick, NJ Rutgers University Press: 1999). pages147-169.
RENDELL & WHITEHEAD 2001 "Culture in Whales and Dolphins" Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24:309-382.
Read main article (pp.309-324) plus as many commentaries as you wish, but at least these two: Miller (p. 347) and Premack & Hauser (p.351-352)
Accessible as electronic journal from IU library - enter "behavioral brain sciences" in the search box, then follow links until you reach vol.24 issue 2, p.309. [local copy]
• SPERBER 1996 Explaining Culture (Malden MA, Blackwell Publishing: 1996) pages 9-31.
• WILLIAMS 1983 Keywords: A Vocabulary of Culture and Society (Rev. Ed.) (New York: Oxford University Press).
Keywords: Culture from UNH [local copy]

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