version 2005-01-09
COGS Q400 — Senior Seminar in Cognitive and Information Sciences Meeting time: MW 9:05-9:55 Location: BH 335 Instructor: Colin Allen, PhD <> Office / Telephone: Goodbody 113 / 855-8916 Office hours: Wed 2-4 and by appointment Course Description This seminar has three major aims: 1) to foster an interdisciplinary discussion of cutting edge topics in cognitive science, 2) to increase students' ability to plan and evaluate research projects, and 3) to enhance student skills in presenting research to peers. The focus will be on learning through peer-to-peer interactions. Oral presentations will require the use of computer slides or overhead transparencies. Using recent journals as a starting point, each student will select a cutting edge topic in the cognitive sciences and give an oral presentation to the class on the state of the current research. Individually or in groups, students will develop a written research project proposal or report, and present it orally. Each student will submit a short written evaluation of a peer research project. Feedback received in this way from peers, and also from the instructor, will be used to revise final written reports. Grading Basis
Statement for Students with Disabilities The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal anti-discrimination statute that provides comprehensive civil rights protection for persons with disabilities. Among other things, this legislation requires that all students with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their disabilities. If you believe you have a disability requiring an accommodation, please contact IU Disability Services for Students. Statement about Scholastic Dishonesty University rules concerning scholastic dishonesty will be rigorously enforced in this class. See IU Code of Ethics, Part 3A for details. |