Department of Philosophy, University of California, Santa Barbara
Distinguished Professor (2023—)

Email: prof.colin.allen at or

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Associate Editor (2001—)

University of Pittsburgh
  • 2017-2023 Distinguished Professor of History & Philosophy of Science
  • 2017-2018 Senior Visiting Fellow, Pittsburgh Center for Philosophy of Science
  • 2018-2023 Resident Fellow, Pittsburgh Center for Philosophy of Science
  • 2017-2023 Affiliated Faculty, Pittsburgh Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition
Indiana University, Bloomington
  • 2004-2018 Professor Cognitive Science and History & Philosophy of Science & Medicine
    [appointed as "Provost Professor" 2010]
  • 2013-2018 Faculty Member, Program in Neuroscience
  • 2006-2018 Adjunct Faculty, Department of Philosophy
  • 2004-2018 Core Faculty Center for the Integrative Study of Animal Behavior
  • 2011-2015 Program Director: Cognitive Science
  • 2006-2010 Director of Undergraduate Studies: Cognitive Science
  • 2015-2016 Director of Undergraduate Studies: Dept. of History & Philosophy of Science
  • 2005-2008 Director of Graduate Studies: Dept. of History & Philosophy of Science
Philosophy Department, Texas A&M University, College Station
  • 2000-2004 Professor
  • 1996-2000 Assistant Department Head
  • 1995-2000 Associate Professor
  • 1989-1995 Assistant Professor
Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, China
  • 2015-2018 Chair Professor of Philosophy
  • 2013-2015 Adjunct Professor
Ruhr-University, Bochum, Germany
  • 2010-2011 Visiting Humboldt Preisträger
Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary
  • 2005-09-26/30 and 2006-10-22/27 Visiting Professor, Budapest Semester in Cognitive Science
University of Colorado, Boulder
  • 1994-1995, Research Associate, Department of Environmental, Population, and Organismic Biology

2020 Elected Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science

2017 Changjiang Chair Professorship, Ministry of Education, People's Republic of China.

2013 Jon Barwise Prize for Computing and Philosophy, American Philosophical Association.

2010 Alexander von Humboldt Research Prize, Germany.

2008 Indiana University Graduate and Professional Student Faculty Mentor of the Year

2008-2009 President of the Society for Philosophy & Psychology

2002 Scholarly Achievement Award: International Institute for Advanced Studies in Cybernetics, Baden-Baden, Germany

2000 Texas A&M University Association of Former Students Distinguished Teaching Award

PhD 1989, Philosophy, University of California, Los Angeles

BA 1982, Philosophy, University College London


5. Wallach, W. and Allen, C. (2009) Moral Machines: Teaching Robots Right from Wrong. New York: Oxford University Press. [Korean Translation, Medici Media, Seoul, 2015. Chinese Translation, Peking University Press, Beijing, 2017.]

4. Bekoff, M., Allen, C. & Burghardt G.M. (eds.) (2002) The Cognitive Animal: Empirical and Theoretical Perspectives on Animal Cognition. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press. [An anthology of original essays on comparative psychology, cognitive ethology, and the study of animal cognition.]
Open access from MIT Press.

3. Allen, C., Bekoff, M. & Lauder, G. (eds.) (1998) Nature's Purposes: Analyses of Function and Design in Biology. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press. [An anthology of previously published essays on the role of teleology in biology.]

2. Cummins, D. & Allen, C. (eds.) (1998) The Evolution of Mind. New York: Oxford University Press. [An anthology of original essays on evolutionary theory, psychology, and ethology.]

1. Allen, C. & Bekoff, M. (1997) Species of Mind: the Philosophy and Biology of Cognitive Ethology. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press. [An original monograph on cognitive ethology. Translated 1998 as Il Pensiero Animale, McGraw-Hill, Italy.]

2. Logic Primer Allen, C. & Hand, M. Cambridge MA: MIT Press.

1. Lisp Primer Allen, C. & Dhagat, M. [e-book]

126. Nelson, X.J., Taylor, A.H., Cartmill, E.A., Lyn, H., Robinson, L.m., Janik, V.M., Allen,C. (2023)* Joyful by nature: approaches to investigate the evolution and function of joy in non-human animals. Biological Reviews 98(5):1548-1563; doi: 10.1111/brv.12965

125. Allen, C. & Karlan, B. (2023)† Quantum of Wisdom. In Viggiano, G. (Ed.) Convergence: Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Computing: Social, Ethical, and Geo-Political Impacts. Wiley, pp. 157-166.

124. Allen, C. and Murdock, J. (2023)*† LDA Topic Modeling for History & Philosophy of Science. In Ramsey, G., De Block, A.(Eds.) The Dynamics of Science: Computational Frontiers in History and Philosophy of Science. Johns Hopkins University Press; Baltimore, MD, 103-119 [preprint]

123. Karlan, B. and Allen, C. (2022)* "Engineered Wisdom for Learning Machines" Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence 36 (2): 257-272; doi:10.1080/0952813X.2022.2092559

122. Bastos, A., Taylor, A., Brown, R., and Allen, C. (2022)* "The signature testing approach for mapping biological and artificial intelligences" Trends in Cognitive Sciences 26 (9):738-750. doi:10.1016/j.tics.2022.06.002

121. Tramacere, A. and Allen, C. (2022)* Temporal binding: digging into animal minds through time perception. Synthese 200, 1 doi:10.1007/s11229-022-03456-w

120. Weinberger, N. and Allen, C. (2022)* Static-Dynamic Hybridity in Dynamical Models of Cognition. Philosophy of Science 89(2): 283-301. doi:10.1017/psa.2021.27 open access

119. Davison, C.B., Hua, D., Lazaros, E.J., Truell, A.D., Bowles, B., Boomershine, E., Allen, C. (2022)* EMMA - The Ethical Multimodal, Modeling and Adaptive AI System for Fairness in Building Tenant Comfort. Issues in Information Systems 23(3), 279-291.

118. Allen C. (2021)† Cold noses provide hot take on social cognition. Learning & Behavior 49:263–264. doi: 10.3758/s13420-021-00475-4

117. O'Sullivan, S., Leonard, S., Holzinger, A., Allen, C., Battaglia, F., Nevejans, N., van Leeuwen, F.W.B., Sajid, M.I., Friebe, M., Ashrafian, H., Heinsen, H., Wichmann, D., Hartnett, H, Gallagher, A.G. (2020)* Operational framework and training standard requirements for AI‐empowered robotic surgery. International Journal for Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery 2020; 16e2020. doi: 10.1002/rcs.2020.

116. Ravenscroft, A. & Allen, C. (2019)* Finding and Interpreting Arguments: An Important Challenge for Humanities Computing and Scholarly Practice. Digital Humanities Quarterly 13(3).000436.

115. Allen, C. & Neal, J., (2019)*† Teleological Notions in Biology, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2019 Edition) Edward N. Zalta (ed.) URL = [Major expansion of 2003 version with new coauthor Jacob Neal.]

114. O'Sullivan, S., Nevejans, N., Allen, C., Blyth, A., Leonard, S., Pagallo, U., Holzinger, K., Holzinger, A., Sajid, M.I., Ashrafian, H. (2018)* Legal, Regulatory and Ethical Frameworks or Standards for AI and Autonomous Robotic Surgery. International Journal of Medical Robotics 2018 Nov 5:e1968. doi: 10.1002/rcs.1968

113. Murdock, J., Allen, C., & DeDeo, S. (2018)* Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches to the Development of Darwin’s Origin of Species. Current Research in Digital History vol. 1. doi: 10.31835/crdh.2018.14

112. Rossi, Alejandra, Parada, Francisco, Stewart, Rosemary, Flynn, Casey, Demas, Gregory E., Allen, Colin (2018)* Hormonal correlates of exploratory and play-related behavior in domestic dogs. Frontiers in Psychology 9:1559; doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01559

111. Sluka, Christina M., Stanko, Kathleen, Campbell, Alexander, Cáceres, Johanel, Panoz-Brown, Danielle, Wheeler, Aidan, Bradley, Jordan, Allen, Colin (2018)* Incidental spatial memory in the domestic dog (Canis familiaris). Learning & Behavior, 46:513-521 doi: 10.3758/s13420-018-0327-0 [readcube version]

110. Wang Xiaohong, Colin Allen, Pu Jianghuai & Li Yingna (2018)* 人文知识发现的计算机实现——对“汉典古籍”主题建模的实证分析 (Translation: To discover humanities knowledge by computer:  an empirical analysis of topic modeling the 'Handian' ancient Chinese classics.) Journal of Dialectics of Nature 40 (serial No.236): 50-58.

109. Murdock, J, Allen, C, Börner, K, Light, R, McAlister, S, Ravenscroft, A, Rose, R, Rose, D, Otsuka, J, Bourget, D, Lawrence, J, Reed, C (2017)* Multi-level computational methods for interdisciplinary research in the HathiTrust Digital Library. PLoS ONE 12(9): e0184188. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0184188

108. Allen, C., Luo, H., Murdock, J., Pu, J, Wang, X., Zhai, Y., Zhao, K. (2017)* Topic Modeling the Hàn diăn Ancient Classics. Cultural Analytics: 10.12.17 doi: /10.22148/001c.11882 [Published with supplemental dataset, Harvard Dataverse doi: 10.7910/DVN/3QXX29 ]

107. Allen, C. (2017)* On (Not) Defining 'Cognition'. Synthese 194(11): 4233-4249 doi: 10.1007/s11229-017-1454-4 | read-only version.

106. Davison, CB, Allen, C (2017)* Approaching Machine Ethics: Topics in Technical Education. The CTE Journal 5 (1): 35-41. pdf

105. Allen, C. (2017)† Associative Learning. In K. Andrews & J. Beck (Eds.) Routledge Companion to Animal Minds New York: Routledge, pp. 401-408.

104. Murdock, J., Allen, C., & DeDeo, S. (2017)* Exploration and Exploitation of Victorian Science in Darwin's Reading Notebooks. Cognition 159: 117-126. doi:10.1016/j.cognition.2016.11.012

103. Allen, C. (2016)† Animal Pain (excerpted from Allen 2004). In S.J. Armstrong & R.G. Botzler (Eds.) The Animal Ethics Reader, 3rd Edition. Routledge, pp. 130-132.

102. Jaimie Murdock & Colin Allen (2015)* Visualization Techniques for Topic Model Checking. Proceedings of the 29th AAAI Conference (AAAI-15). Austin, Texas, USA, January 25-29, 2015.

101. Allen, C. (2015)* Do Humans Dream of Emotional Machines? In A. Coplan and D. Davies (Eds.) Blade Runner (Philosophers on Film). Routledge, New York, pp. 86-99.

100. Huber, J., Sztyler, T., Noessner, J., Murdock, J., Allen, C., & Niepert, M. (2014)† LODE: Linking Digital Humanities Content to the Web of Data. Proceedings of the 14th ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL). London, UK. [IEEE/JCDL / arXiv preprint]

99. Allen, C. (2014)† Models, Mechanisms, and Animal Minds. The Southern Journal of Philosophy 52 (Spindel Supplement): 75-97. doi: 10.1111/sjp.12072

98. Landy, D., Allen, C., and Zednik, C. (2014)* A perceptual account of symbolic reasoning. Frontiers in Psychology 5: article 275. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00275

97. Rossi, A., Smedema, D., Parada, F., and Allen, C. (2014)*† Visual attention in dogs and the evolution of non-verbal communication. In Horowitz, A., (ed.) Domestic Dog Cognition and Behavior. Berlin: Springer, pp. 133-154. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-53994-7_6.

96. Allen, C. & Trestman, M. (2014)*† Animal Consciousness. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Summer 2014 Edition), E.N. Zalta (ed.), URL= [Major expansion of 2009 version with new coauthor Michael Trestman.]

95. Allen, C. (2014)*† Umwelt or Umwelten? How should shared representation be understood given such diversity? Semiotica 198: 137-158 doi:10.1515/sem-2013-0105

94. Rossi A, Parada FJ, Haga Z, Grooteboer C, Lenoir M, Wels H, Savelsbergh GJP, Bekoff M, Allen C (2013). Eye-tracking the gaze of dogs and humans in a pointing gesture study. Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research 8, 4: e41. doi:10.1016/j.jveb.2013.04.049

93. Allen, C. and Bekoff, M. (2013)† Animal minds, cognitive ethology, and ethics. In Klaus Petrus and Markus Wild (eds.) Animal Minds and Animal Ethics: Connecting Two Separate Fields, Bielefeld, Germany: Transcript Verlag; pp. 37-58. [This is a slightly revised version of Allen & Bekoff 2007.]

92. Allen, C. and the InPhO Group (2013)*† Cross-cutting classification schemes in the digital humanities. Isis 104: 573-583.

91. Allen, C. (2013)* Ethics, law, and the science of fish welfare. Between the Species 16:68-85.

90. Allen, C. (2013) Methodological Questions Begged. Behavior & Philosophy 39/40: 83-87.

89. Allen, C. (2013)*† Symbols as scaffolding. In Linnda Caporael, James Griesemer and William Wimsatt (Eds.) Developing Scaffolds in Evolution, Culture and Cognition, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 231-248.

88. Allen, C. (2013)*† The geometry of partial understanding. American Philosophical Quarterly 50: 249-262. [Translated as 部分理解几何学 by WANG Xiaohong and SUN Wenqi. Journal of Xi′an Jiaotong University (Social Sciences) Vol.38 (Sum No.147) 82-91. DOI:10.15896/j.xjtuskxb.201801009.]

87. Allen, C. (2013)*† Information and Uncertainty in Meerkats and Monkeys. In U. Stegmann (Ed.) Animal Communication Theory: Information and Influence. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 319-335.

86. Murdock, J., Buckner, C., Allen, C. (2013)* Evaluating Dynamic Ontologies. In Fred, Ana, Dietz, Jan L.G., Liu, Kecheng, Filipe, Joaquim (Eds.) Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management. Series: Communications in Computer and Information Science vol. 272. Berlin: Springer; pp. 258-275. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-29764-9_18.

85. Allen, C. (2013)*† Fish cognition and consciousness. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 26: 25-39; doi:10.1007/s10806-011-9364-9.

84. Wallach, W. and Allen C. (2013)*† Framing Robot Arms Control. Ethics & Information Technology 15 (2): 125-135 doi:10.1007/s10676-012-9303-0.

83. Wallach, W. & Allen C. (2012)† Hard problems: Framing the Chinese room in which a robot takes a moral Turing test. AISB/IACAP World Congress 2012: Moral Cognition and Theory of Mind [pdf].

82. Allen, C. (2012)† Commentary on Yudkowsky on "Friendly Artificial Intelligence". In Amnon H. Eden, James H. Moor, Johnny Søraker, and Eric Steinhart (Eds.) Singularity Hypotheses: A Scientific and Philosophical Assessment. The Frontiers Collection, Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 195-196. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-32560-1.

81. Allen, C. & Wallach, W. (2012)† Commentary on Omohundro on "Rationally-shaped artificial intelligence." In Amnon H. Eden, James H. Moor, Johnny Søraker, and Eric Steinhart (Eds.) Singularity Hypotheses: A Scientific and Philosophical Assessment. The Frontiers Collection, Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 177-179. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-32560-1.

80. Allen, C. (2012)*† Private Codes and Public Structures. In D. McFarland, K. Stenning, and M. McGonigle-Chalmers (Eds.), The Complex Mind: An Interdisciplinary Approach. London: Palgrave-Macmillan, pp. 223-242.

79. Allen, C., Todd, P.M., Weinberg, J.M. (2012)*† Reasoning and Rationality. In R. Samuels, E. Margolis, S.P. Stich (Eds.) Oxford Handbook in Philosophy of Cognitive Science, New York: Oxford University Press, chapter 2, pp. 41-59.

78. Murdock, J., Allen, C. (2011)* InPhO for All: Why APIs Matter. Journal of the Chicago Colloquium of Digital Humanities and Computer Science 1(3): 1-6.

77. Allen, C. and Wallach, W. (2011)*† Wise machines? On the Horizon 19(4):253-258. doi: 10.1108/10748121111179376

76. Townsend, S., Allen, C., Manser, M. (2011)* A simple test of vocal individual recognition in wild meerkats. Biology Letters 8(2): 179-182. doi: 10.1098/rsbl.2011.0844.

75. Stotz, K., Allen, C. (2011)*† From cell-surface receptors to higher learning: A whole world of experience. In K.S. Plaisance and T.A.C. Reydon (Eds.) Philosophy of Behavioral Biology, Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science. Berlin: Springer: pp. 85-123. doi:10.1007/978-94-007-1951-4_5

74. Allen, C., Wallach, W. (2011)† Moral Machines: Contradiction in Terms, or Abdication of Human Responsibility? In P. Lin, K. Abney, G. Bekey (Eds.) Robot Ethics: The Ethical and Social Implications of Robotics. Cambridge: MIT Press, 55-68.

73. Otsuka, J., Turner, T., Lloyd, E.A., Allen, C. (2011)* Why the Causal View of Fitness Survives, Philosophy of Science 78: 209-224. doi 10.1086/659219

72. Wallach, W., Allen, C., Franklin, S. (2011)† Consciousness and Ethics: Artificially Conscious Moral Agents. International Journal of Machine Consciousness, 3 (1): 177-192. doi:10.1142/S1793843011000674

71. Buckner, C., Niepert, M., and Allen, C. (2011)*† From encyclopedia to ontology: toward dynamic representation of the discipline of philosophy. Synthese 182: 205-233 doi:10.1007/s11229-009-9659-9

70. Rossi, A., Parada FJ., & Allen, C. (2010)* DogCam: A way to measure visual attention in dogs. Proceedings of Measuring Behavior 2010, 7th International Conference on Methods and Techniques in Behavioral Research (Eindhoven, The Netherlands, August 24-27, 2010). Edited by A.J. Spink, F. Grieco, O.E. Krips, L.W.S. Loijens, L.P.J.J. Noldus, and P.H. Zimmerman. Wageningen: Noldus, 226-229.

69. Murdock, J., Buckner, C., Allen, C. (2010)* Two Methods for Evaluating Dynamic Ontologies. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD 2010), Valencia, Spain, 2010, p. 110-122.

68. Theiner, G., Allen, C., Goldstone, R. (2010)†* Recognizing group cognition. Cognitive Systems Research, 11: 378-395. doi:10.1016/j.cogsys.2010.07.002.

67. Eckert, K, Niepert, M., Niemann, C., Buckner, C., Allen, C., Stuckenschmidt, H. (2010)* Crowdsourcing the Assembly of Concept Hierarchies. In Proceedings of the 10th ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), Brisbane, Australia, ACM Press, 2010.

66. Wallach, W., Franklin, S., Allen, C. (2010)* A conceptual and computational model of moral decision making in human and artificial agents. Topics in Cognitive Science 2(3): 454-485 doi:10.1111/j.1756-8765.2010.01095.x

65. Allen, C. (2010)† Artificial life, artificial agents, virtual realities. In Floridi, L. The Cambridge Handbook of Information and Computer Ethics, Cambridge University Press, 219-233.

64. Allen, C. (2010)* Mirror, mirror, in the brain. What does the monkey stand to gain? Noûs 44 (2): 372-391; reprinted in Grammont F, Legrand D & Livet P (Eds.) (2009) Naturalizing Intention in Action. An interdisciplinary approach. The MIT Press and ENS Editions, pp. 91-113.

63. Allen, C. (2009)*† Animal Consciousness. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2009 Edition), E.N. Zalta (ed.), URL= [Major expansion of 2004 version.]

62. McAninch, A., Goodrich, G., and Allen, C. (2009)*† Animal communication and neo-expressivism. In R. W. Lurz (ed.) Philosophy of Animal Minds: New Essays on Animal Thought and Consciousness. Cambridge University Press, pp. 128-144.

61. Niepert, M. Buckner, C., Allen, C. (2009)* Working the Crowd: Design principles and early lessons from the social-semantic web. In Proceedings of Workshop on Web 3.0: Merging Semantic Web and Social Web 2009 (SW)^2 Turin, Italy, June 29, 2009, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, ISSN 1613-0073, online

60. Sufka, K.J., Weldon, M., and Allen, C. (2009)† The Case for Animal Emotions: Modeling Neuropsychiatric Disorders. In John Bickle (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Neuroscience. Oxford University Press, 522-536; doi:oxfordhb/9780195304787.003.0022.

59. Allen, C., Grau, J.W., and Meagher, M.W. (2009)† The Lower Bounds of Cognition: What Do Spinal Cords Reveal? In John Bickle (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Neuroscience. Oxford University Press, 129-142; doi:oxfordhb/9780195304787.003.0006.

58. Allen, C. (2009)† Ethology and the Study of Behavioral Evolution. In M. Ruse and J.Travis (ed.) Evolution: The First Four Billion Years Harvard University Press: 541-543.

57. Vigo, R., and Allen, C. (2009)* How to reason without words: Inference as categorization. Cognitive Processing 10: 77-88 doi:10.1007/s10339-008-0220-4

56. Allen, C. (2008)† Animal Consciousness. In M.J. Benton (ed.) The Seventy Great Mysteries of the Natural World. Thames & Hudson: pp. 251-253. Translated and reprinted with same pagination in these editions: Die 70 grossen Wunder der Natur, Frederking & Thaler, München, Germany, 2008; De zeventig grootste mysteries van den natuur, Thoth, Bussum, Netherlands, 2008; Sedmdesát velkych záhad sveta prírody odhalovánu tajemství nasí planety, Slovart, Prague, 2009; Sedemdesiat vel'kych záhad prírody odhal'ovanie tajomstiev nasej planéty, Slovart, Bratislava, 2009; Hetven rejtély a természet világából bolygónk titkainak nyomában, Athenaeum, Budapest, 2009; Sedemdesette golemni zakadki na divata priroda razkrivane na taynite na nashata planeta, Riva, Sofia, 2009;

55. Allen, C., Buckner, C., & Niepert, M. 2008*† The World is Not Flat: Expertise and InPhO. First Monday [Online], Volume 13 Number 8 (20 August 2008).

54. Crowley, S. & Allen, C. 2008† Animal Behavior: E pluribus unum? In M. Ruse (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of the Philosophy of Biology. Oxford University Press: pp. 327-348.

53. Niepert, M., Buckner, C. and Allen, C. 2008* Answer set programming on expert feedback to populate and extend dynamic ontologies. In Proceedings of the 21st FLAIRS Conference 2008: Coconut Grove, Florida, USA. AAAI Press, 2008; 500-505.

52. Allen, C., Wallach, W., & Smit, I. 2008*† Machine Morality: Bottom-up and Top-down Approaches for Modelling Human Moral Faculties. A.I. and Society: 22(4): 565-582. doi:10.1007/s00146-007-0099-0

51. Allen, C. 2007† Animal Pain. In M. Bekoff (ed.) The Encyclopedia of Human-Animal Relationships Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group.

50. Goodrich, G. & Allen, C. 2007†* Conditioned Anti-Anthropomorphism. Comparative Cognition and Behavior Reviews 2: 147-150.

49. Niepert, M., Buckner, C., and Allen, C. 2007* A dynamic ontology for a dynamic reference work. In Rasmussen, E.M., Larson, R.R., Toms, E., and Sugimoto, S. Proceedings of the 7th ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, Vancouver, BC, Canada, June 18-23, 2007, pp. 288-297.

48. Allen, C. & Bekoff, M. 2007*† Animal Minds, Cognitive Ethology, and Ethics. Journal of Ethics 11: 299-317. [Reprinted 2018 in Velmans, M. (ed.) (2018) Consciousness (Critical Concepts in Psychology) Major Works Series, London: Routledge.]

47. Allen, C. & Bekoff M. 2007*† Animal consciousness. In M. Velmans & S. Schneider (eds.) Blackwell Companion to Consciousness. New York: Blackwell Publishing; pp. 58-71.

41. Allen, C., Fuchs, P.N., Shriver, A. & Wilson, H. 2005*† Deciphering Animal Pain In M. Aydede (ed.) Pain: New Essays on the Nature of Pain and the Methodology of its Study. MIT Press; pp. 352-366 .

40. Allen, C. & Bekoff, M. 2005*† Animal play and the evolution of morality: an ethological approach. Topoi 24, 125-135 doi:10.1007/s11245-005-5050-8

39. Shriver, A. & Allen, C. 2005*† Consciousness might matter very much. Philosophical Psychology 18: 103-111 doi:10.1080/09515080500085437

38. Allen, C. 2004† Is anyone a cognitive ethologist? Biology & Philosophy 19: 589-607. doi:10.1007/sBIPH-004-0527-1

37. Allen, C. 2004* Animal Pain Noûs 38: 617-643 jstor

36. Allen, C. 2004† Animal Consciousness. Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior, M. Bekoff (ed.), Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group.

35. Allen, C. 2003† Consciousness, Animal. Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science, L. Nadel (ed.), London: Nature Publishing Group (Macmillan), pp. 733-737.

34. Bekoff, M. & Allen, C. 2002† "The Evolution of Social Play: Interdisciplinary Analyses of Cognitive Process" In M. Bekoff, C. Allen, G.M. Burhgardt (eds.) The Cognitive Animal, MIT Press, pp. 426-436.

33. Allen, C., Nodelman, U. & Zalta, E.N. 2002*† "The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: A Developed Dynamic Reference Work" Metaphilosophy, 33, Jan. 210-228. [Reprinted in J. H. Moor and T. Ward Bynum (eds.) CyberPhilosophy: The Intersection of Philosophy and Computing, Oxford, UK: Blackwell, pp. 201-218.

32. Allen, C. 2002*† Real traits, real functions? In Ariew, A., Cummins, R. & Perlman, M. (eds.) Functions: New Essays in the Philosophy of Psychology and Biology. New York: Oxford University Press; pp. 373-389.

31. Allen, C. 2001*† A tale of two froggies. In J. McIntosh (ed). Naturalism, Evolution, & Intentionality, University of Calgary Press (Canadian Journal of Philosophy Supplementary Volume 2001); pp. 106-115. doi: 10.1080/00455091.2001.10715998 [preprint]

30. Allen, C. 2001† Cognitive Relatives and Moral Relations. In Beck, B.B., Stoinski, T.S., Hutchins, M., Maple, T.S., Norton, B., Rowan, A., Stevens, B.F. & Arluke, A. (eds). Great Apes and Humans: The ethics of coexistence. Smithsonian Institute Press; pp. 261-273.

29. Allen, C., Bekoff, M. & Gruen, L. 2001* The ethical limits of domestication: a response to Henry Heffner's arguments . Anthrozoös: 14 (3): 130-134.

28. Allen, C. 2001† Philosophy of cognitive ethology. Entry and Annotated Bibliography in A Field Guide to the Philosophy of Mind, M. Nani and M. Marraffa (eds.), University of Rome, Italy. URL =

27. Allen, C., Varner, G. & Zinser, J. 2000*† Prolegomena to any future artificial moral agent. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence: 12:251-261. doi: 10.1080/09528130050111428

26. Allen, C. 2000† "Where pigs and people fear to tread." In Bekoff, M. (ed.) The Smile of a Dolphin. New York: Discovery Books; 90-91.

25. Allen, C. 1999*† Animal concepts revisited: the use of self-monitoring as an empirical approach. Erkenntnis 51(1):33-40. [Reprinted 1999 in Evolution and Cognition, 5(2): 123-127.] [Translated 2005 as "Tierbegriffe neu betrachtet. Ein empirischer Ansatz: Die Analyse einer Selbssteuerung", in Dominik Perler, Markus Wild (eds.) Der Geist der Tiere, Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 2005, pp. 191-200.]

24. Bekoff, M., Allen, C. & Grant, M. 1999* "Feeding Decisions by Steller's Jays (Cyanocitta stelleri): The Utility of a Logistic Regression Model For Analyses of Where, What, and With Whom to Eat." Ethology: 105:393-406.

23. Allen, C. 1999*† "Teleological Notions in Biology" The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Summer 1999 Edition), E.N. Zalta (ed.), URL =

22. Allen, C. 1998† "The discovery of animal consciousness: an optimistic assessment." Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 10:217-225.

21. Bekoff, M., Allen, C. & Wolfe, A. 1998* "Feeding behavior in Steller's Jays (Cyanocitta stelleri): effects of food type and social context." Bird Behavior 12:79-84

20. Allen, C. 1998*† "Assessing animal cognition: ethological and philosophical perspectives." Journal of Animal Science 76:42-47.

19. Allen, C. & Saidel, E. 1998† The evolution of reference. In D. Cummins & C. Allen (eds.) The Evolution of Mind. Oxford University Press, pp. 183-203. [Translated 2005 as "Die Evolution der Referenz" , in: Dominik Perler, Markus Wild (eds.), Der Geist der Tiere, Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 2005, pp. 323-356.]

18. Bekoff, M. & Allen, C. 1998† "Intentional communication and social play: How and why animals negotiate and agree to play." In M. Bekoff & J.A. Byers (eds.) Animal play: Evolutionary, comparative, and ecological perspectives. Cambridge University Press, pp. 97-114. [preprint]

17. Bekoff, M. & Allen, C. 1997† "Cognitive ethology: slayers, skeptics, and proponents." In R.W. Mitchell, N.S. Thompson, & H.L. Miles (eds.) Anthropomorphism, Anecdotes, and Animals SUNY Press, pp. 313-334.

16. Allen, C. 1997† "Animal cognition and animal minds." In P. Machamer & M. Carrier (eds.) Philosophy and the Sciences of the Mind: Pittsburgh-Konstanz Series in the Philosophy and History of Science vol. 4. Pittsburgh University Press and the Universitätsverlag Konstanz, pp. 227-243.

15. Allen, C. 1997† Animal consciousness Encyclopedia of animal welfare. Greenwood publishers. Marc Bekoff and C. Meaney (eds.).

13. Allen, C. & Bekoff, M. 1995* "Cognitive ethology and the intentionality of animal behaviour." Mind and Language: 10,4:313-328.

12. Allen, C. & Bekoff, M. 1995* "Biological function, adaptation, and natural design." Philosophy of Science: 62,4:609-622. Reprinted in Allen, C., Bekoff, M., and Lauder, G. (eds.) (1998) Nature's Purposes: analyses of function and design in biology, MIT Press. Reprinted in Buller, D.J. (ed.) (1999) Function, Selection, and Design Albany, NY: SUNY Press (Series in Philosophy and Biology).

11. Bekoff, M. & Allen, C. 1995* "Teleology, function, design, and the evolution of animal behaviour." Trends in Ecology and Evolution 10,6:253-263.

10. Allen, C. 1995* "It isn't what you think: a new idea about intentional causation." Noûs 29,1:115-126

9. Allen, C. 1995† "Intentionality: natural and artificial." In Comparative Approaches to Cognitive Science J.A. Meyer and H.L. Roitblat (eds.) MIT Press, pp. 93-110

8. Allen, C. 1995† "Star Witness." In J. Feinberg (ed.) Reason and Responsibility, 9th Edition. Belmont, Calif: Wadsworth, pp.353-68

7. Allen, C. & Bekoff, M. 1995*† "Function, natural design, and animal behavior: philosophical and ethological considerations." In N.S. Thompson (ed.) Perspectives in Ethology, Volume 11: Behavioral Design. NY: Plenum Press, pp.1-47.

6. Allen, C. & Bekoff, M. 1994* Intentionality, social play, and definition. Biology and Philosophy 9:63-74; DOI:10.1007/BF00849914. Reprinted in Marc Bekoff & D. Jamieson (eds.) (1996) Readings in Animal Cognition MIT Press, pp.229-240

5. Allen, C. & Hauser, M. 1993† "Communication and cognition: is information the connection?" PSA 1992, vol. 2, pp.81-91.

4. Allen, C. 1992* "Mental content." British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 43:537-553

3. Bekoff, M. & Allen, C. 1992* "Intentional icons: Towards an evolutionary cognitive ethology." Ethology 91:1-16.

2. Allen, C. 1992* "Mental content and evolutionary explanation." Biology and Philosophy 7:1-12

1. Allen, C. & Hauser, M. 1991* Concept attribution in non-human animals: Theoretical and methodological problems in ascribing complex mental processes. Philosophy of Science 58:221-240 doi: 10.1086/289613. Reprinted in Marc Bekoff & D. Jamieson (eds.) (1996) Readings in Animal Cognition MIT Press, pp.47-62

18. Davison, C. B., Hua, D., Lazaros, E., Bowles, B., Boomershine, E., Allen, C., "EMMA: The ethical, multimodal, modeling and adaptive system for XAI and FAI.", 62nd IACIS Annual Conference, International Association for Computer Information Systems, Las Vegas, NV, peer-reviewed/refereed. (October 6, 2022).

17. Yang Zhao, Wei Xi, Kun Zhao, Xiaohong Wang, Colin Allen, Jizhong Zhao (2018)† Topic Model based Physical-layer Identity Authentication. 4th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Security (ICCCS2018), Haikou, China, June 8-10, 2018.

16. Jaimie Murdock, Colin Allen, and Simon DeDeo, "The Development of Darwin's Origin of Species". CRDH 2018, March 17, George Mason University, Arlington, VA

15. Murdock, J., Allen, C. "Multi-level computational methods for interdisciplinary research in the HathiTrust Digital Library" (talk) and "Reconstructing historical libraries: Jefferson, Darwin, and the HathiTrust" (poster) at HTRC UnCamp, January 25-26, 2018, UC Berkeley

14. Murdock,J., DeDeo, S., and Allen, C. (2015)† Darwin's Semantic Voyage: Synthesis and Innovation through Exploration and Exploitation. 2015 Conference on Complex Systems (CCS'15). Tempe, Arizona, USA, September 28­October 3, 2015.

13. Jaimie Murdock and Colin Allen (2015)† Visualization Techniques for Topic Model Checking [demo track] in Proceedings of the 29th AAAI Conference (AAAI­15). Austin, Texas, USA, January 25­29, 2015.

12. John Lawrence, Chris Reed, Colin Allen, Simon McAlister, Andrew Ravenscroft, and David Bourget (2014)† Mining arguments from 19th century philosophical texts using topic based modelling. In Proceedings of the First Workshop on Argumentation Mining, pages 79–87, Baltimore, Maryland, June. Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL).

11. Murdock, J., Light, R., Allen, C., and Börner, K (2013)† Mapping the Intersection of Science & Philosophy. in Proceedings of the 2013 Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL). Indianapolis, Indiana, ACM Press, 2013.

10. Murdock, J., Buckner, C., and Allen, C. (2012)† Containing the Semantic Explosion. In Proceedings of the WWW2012 conference workshop PhiloWeb 2012: "Web and Philosophy, Why and What For?", Lyon, France, Apr 17, 2012, Edited by Alexandre Monnin, Harry Halpin, and Leslie Carr, CEUR workshop proceedings, Vol. 859.

9. Niepert, M., Buckner, C., Murdock, J., and Allen, C. (2008)† InPhO: A System for Collaboratively Populating and Extending a Dynamic Ontology. (demo abstract) In Proceedings of the 8th ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, page 429, ACM Press, 2008.

8. Wallach, W., Allen, C. & Smit, I. (2005)† Machine Morality: Bottom-up and Top-down Approaches for Modeling Human Moral Faculties. In Proceedings of AAAI Workshop on Machine Ethics, Washington, D.C., November 2005.

7. Allen, C., Smit, I., & Wallach, W. (2005)† Artificial morality: top-down, bottom-up, and hybrid approaches. In Brey, P., Grodzinsky, F., & Introna, L. (eds.) Ethics of New Information Technology: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of Computer Ethics: Philosophical Enquiry (CEPE 2005), Encschede, Netherlands: Center for Telematics and Information Technology (CTIT); pp. 21-28.

6. Allen, C., Nodelman, U., & Zalta, E. (2003)† Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: A Dynamic Reference Work. (abstract) In Proceedings of the Third ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (May 27-31, 2003), New York: Association for Computing Machinery Publications, p. 383

5. Allen, C. (2002)† Calculated Morality: Ethical Computing in the Limit. In Smit, I. and Lasker, G. E. (eds.), Cognitive, Emotive and Ethical Aspects of Decision Making and Human Action Vol. I, IIAS, Windsor, Canada.

4. Nodelman, U., Allen, C. & Zalta, E. (2002)† Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: A Dynamic Reference Work. (abstract) In Proceedings of the Second ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (July 14-18, 2002), New York: Association for Computing Machinery Publications, p. 380

3. Allen, C., Nodelman, U., & Zalta, E. (2001)† Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: A Dynamic Reference Work. (abstract) In Proceedings of the First ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (June 24-28, 2001) New York: Association for Computing Machinery Publications, p. 457

2. Allen, C. (1997)† The evolution of reference. (abstract) Advances in Ethology 32 (Supplement to Ethology): 111

1. Allen, C. (1991)† On (not) defining play. American Zoologist 31(5):11A

35. Bedetti, M. and Allen, C. (forthcoming) "Advancing paleoanthropology beyond default nulls" Behavioral and Brain Sciences: forthcoming,

34. Roskies, A.L. and Allen, C. (2023) LoTH: Wrong, but sometimes useful? BBS Commentary on Quilty-Dunn et al. "The Best Game in Town: The Re-Emergence of the Language of Thought Hypothesis Across the Cognitive Sciences" Behavioral and Brain Sciences: 46: e288

33. Allen, C. 2018. Review of Chauncey Maher Plant Minds: A Philosophical Defense, Routledge, 2017. Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2017-12-09

32. Black, D. and Allen, C. 2017. Out of the Sludge: How Vertebrates Came to Have Subjective Experience. (Review of TE Feinberg & JM Mallatt The Ancient Origins of Consciousness, MIT Press 2016.) Bioscience, bix111, doi: 10.1093/biosci/bix111.

31. Allen, C. and Breithaupt, F. 2017. Commentary: Someday, you might take the robot’s side — and then what? Chicago Tribune, Friday Oct 27, 2017.

30. Allen, C. 2014. From Disembodied Bytes To Robots That Think & Act Like Humans. Footnote1, January 30, 2014,

29. Allen, C. 2014. Why Intelligence Requires Both Body and Brain. Footnote1, January 27, 2014,

28. Zappettini, S. and Allen, C. (2013) Where is the Ethology? BBS Commentary on Jeffery et al. "Navigating in a three-dimensional world", Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36: 570-571.

27. Allen, C. 2013. Review of David J. Gunkel The Machine Question: Critical Perspectives on AI, Robots, and Ethics (MIT Press). Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, February 13, 2013.

26. Allen, C. 2012. Do you see what I see? Review of MINDREADING ANIMALS: The Debate over What Animals Know about Other Minds. Robert W. Lurz. xviii + 245 pp. The MIT Press, 2011.American Scientist, March-April 2012

25. Landy, D., Allen, C., Anderson, M.L. (2011)*† Conceptual discontinuity involves recycling old processes in new domains: Commentary on Précis of Susan Carey's The Origin of Concepts, Behavioral and Brain Sciences 34(3):136-137.

24. Allen, C. 2011. The Future of Moral Machines. New York Times Online, Dec. 25, 2011, ; co-published in On The Human, National Humanities Center, Dec. 26, 2011,

23. Thomas Suddendorf, Mark E. Borrello, Colin Allen, Gregory Radick 2011. If I could talk to the animals. Book symposium on Gregory Radick: The simian tongue: The long debate about animal language. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. Metascience 21: 253-267DOI 10.1007/s11016-011-9553-1

22. Allen, C. 2010. Review of David McFarland, Guilty Robots, Happy Dogs: The Question of Alien Minds (OUP). Quarterly Review of Biology 85:227.

21. Buckner, C., Shriver, A., Crowley, S., Allen, C. 2009. How "weak" mindreaders inherited the earth: Commentary on Peter Carruthers' "How We Know Our Own Minds: Mindreading and Metacognition", Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32: 140-141.

20. Allen, C. 2005. "Evolving phenomenal consciousness: Commentary on Peter Carruthers' Phenomenal Consciousness". Anthropology & Philosophy 6(1): 34-40. [Originally published on Sito Web Italiano per la Filosofia, MINDE forum (15 March 2001):]

19. Allen, C. 2004. Review of Do Animals Think? by C. Wynne. Quarterly Review of Biology 79(4): 431-432.

18. Allen, C. 2003. Review of Eating Apes, D. Peterson and K. Ammann International Journal of Primatology 24(5), October, 2003: 1139-1141.

17. Allen, C. 2002. "A skeptic's progress" - review of Povinelli, D. Folk Physics for Apes. Biology and Philosophy 17(5):695-702.

16. Allen, C. 2002. "Animal Ethics for Students" - review of Ethics, Humans and Other Animals: An Introduction with Readings by Rosalind Hursthouse Anthrozoös, 15 (1): 92-94

15. Allen, C. 2000 "The evolution of rational demons." Behavior and Brain Sciences: 23,5: 742.

14. Allen, C. & Bekoff, M. 2000 "Species of confusion: A short reply to Michael Corner's review of Species of Mind" Journal of Consciousness Studies 7: 83-85.

13. Bekoff, M. & Allen, C. 2000 "Social play is more than a Pavlovian romp." Behavior and Brain Sciences: 23:250-251.

12. Allen, C. 1998 Review of Language, thought, and consciousness. P. Carruthers. Philosophical Psychology 11,1:91-95

11. Allen, C. 1998 "Animal concepts." Behavioral and Brain Sciences: 21,1:66

10. Allen, C. 1996 "Comparative psychology not folk phylogeny, please." Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19: 122.

9. Allen, C. 1995 Review of The logical foundations of cognition. J. Macnamara and G.E. Reyes (eds.). Canadian Philosophical Reviews/Revues Canadienne de Comptes rendu en Philosophie 15 40-42

8. Allen, C. 1995 Review of Shame and necessity. B. Williams. Mind 104:214-219

7. Allen, C. 1995 "Anatomy Dissected." Animal Behaviour 49:841-842

6. Allen, C. 1994 Review of Bad Science. G. Taubes. Sciphers: 15(1):8-9

5. Allen, C. 1992 "Why Eschol-Wachman behavioral notation is not enough." Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15,2:266-267

4. Allen, C. 1992 "Monkeys mind." Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15,1:147

3. Allen, C. 1991 Review of Philosophy of biology. M. Ruse (ed.). Teaching Philosophy 14,4:423-427

2. Allen, C. 1991 "Toward a functionalist theory of consciousness." Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14,3:438-439

1. Hauser, M. & Allen, C. 1987 Review of The meaning of primate signals. R. Harré & V. Reynolds (eds.). Ethology and Sociobiology, 8:167-169.

8. Jaimie Murdock, Jiaan Zeng, Colin Allen 2015. Towards Cultural-Scale Models of Full Text HTRC ACS Technical Report. arXiv:1512.05004

7. Allen, C., Murdock, J., Buckner, C., and Rose, R. 2013. "Computational Philosophy and the Examined Text: A Tale of Two Encyclopedias". APA Newsletter on Philosophy and Computers, Spring 2013, 12,2: 28-30.

6. Niepert, M., Buckner, C., and Allen, C. 2007. "InPhO: The Indiana Philosophy Ontology". APA Newsletter on Philosophy and Computers, Fall 2007, 7,1: 26-28.

5. Allen, C. & Jagodzinski, C. 2006. "From SEP to SEPIA: How and why Indiana University is helping the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy." Against the Grain, 18,4: 42-43.

4. Allen, C. & Menzel, C. 1995-2004 The Logic Daemon and Quizmaster Web-based interactive logic software to accompany Allen & Hand's Logic Primer. URL=

3. Menzel, C. & Allen, C. 1999-2004 Power of Logic Web Site Interactive web site accompaniment to The Power of Logic, C. Stephen Layman, McGraw-Hill. URL=

2. Allen, C. & Zalta, E. 1999 "Lookupd Problems in Apple's Mac OS X Server" URL=, Stepwise May 20, 1999.

1. Allen, C. and Dhagat, M. 1997 Lisp Primer An introduction to the Lisp programming language on the World Wide Web at Distributed on CD-ROM with the Brighton University Resource Kit for Students


2024 Templeton World Charity Foundation $813,000 ($499,000 new funding) for extension of "Joyful by Nature" co-PI with Ximena Nelson (Canterbury, NZ), Alex Taylor (Barcelona, Spain), Erica Cartmill (Indiana), Heidi Lynn (So. Alabama), Vincent Janik (St. Andrews, Scotland)

2022 Templeton World Charity Foundation, award TWCF-2022-30056; $232,000 for "Philosophical Foundations of Group Rationality" with Brett Karlan (; reconfigured/reawarded 2024 as

2022 Templeton World Charity Foundation, $600,000 for "Joyful by nature: a comparative approach to the evolution and function of joy in intelligent species", co-PI with Ximena Nelson (Canterbury, NZ), Alex Taylor (Auckland, NZ), Erica Cartmill (UCLA), Heidi Lynn (So. Alabama), Vincent Janik (St. Andrews, Scotland) (

2020 Templeton World Charity Foundation, $232,000 for "Practical Wisdom and Intelligent Machines" (

2017 National Science Foundation (NSF) award number 1656284, $123,657 for Developing an Integrative Approach to Computational and Digital History and Philosophy of Science , Co-PI with Manfred Laubichler, PI, Jane Maienschein & Stephen Weldon Co-PIs.

2016 American Philosophical Assocation, $3,000 for "Gender in the SEP"

2015 Templeton Foundation, $3.2 million for "Evolution of Human Cognition", co-PI with Kathy Schick, Nick Toth, Tom Schoenemann, Peter Todd, Stone Age Institute, Bloomington, IN

2015 Residential Fellowship, International Center for Jefferson Studies, Monticello, VA

2015 Hathi Trust Research Center Advanced Collaborative Research Award (staff support from HTRC)

2012 Assembling the tree of consciousness, $150,000 (NSF 1230829) Co-PI/Postdoc Michael Trestman.

2012 Digging by Debating: Linking massive datasets to specific arguments, co-PI Katy Börner, $125,000 (NEH HJ-50092-12); joint project with UK co-PIs Andrew Ravenscroft, Chris Reed, David Bourget (UK portion funded by JISC).

2011 Linked and Populating the Digital Humanities, $179,671 (NEH HG-50032-11); co-PI Mathias Niepert, University of Mannheim (German portion funded by DFG €126,400).

2010 Virtuous Empathy: Scientific and Humanistic Investigations, $200,000 Arete Initiative award to IU team, Rich Miller P.I.

2007-2008 InPhO: the Indiana Philosophy Ontology project (NEH HD-50203-07 $29,800).

2004-2007 NEH Challege Grant: $500,000 in matching funds to Solinet to support partnership with Stanford Encyclopedia

2002 Mellon Foundation Grant: $43,000 to hire consultant to develop business plan for the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

2022 Pitt Data & Society award, $8,000 to Dasha Pruss and Colin allen for "Algorithmic Fairness in Practice: Judge Discretion and the Pennsylvania Sentence Risk Assessment Instrument."

2016 IU Consortium for the Study of Religion, Ethics, and Society $7,500 for a workshop on "The Origins of Awe and Wonder", with Tom Schoenemann

2015 IU Vice President for Research, $14,500 bridge funding for "Darwin's Semantic Voyage"

2014 IU Vice President for Research, $38,350 for "Modeling Expertise with Biographically Plausible Datasets".

2012 IU Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning, $1,000 eText Grant for development of online course materials for Q101.

2012 IU Institute for Advanced Studies workshop minigrant, $5,000 for "What can we learn from 500 million words?", with Melody Dye.

2012 IU Vice President collaborative funding award, $10,000 for "DogCam", with Nicholas Port, co-PI, and the Center for the Integrative Study of Animal Behavior.

2011 IU Provost's Undergraduate and Creative Activities $500 as mentor for awardee Jaimie Murdock.

2009-2011 InPhO @ Work: providing integrated access to philosophy, $400,000 (NEH PW-50401-09)/p>

2009-2010 IU Institute for Advanced Studies Empathy Workshop $3,000 research bursary

2009-2010 IU New Frontiers in the Arts & Humanities $20,000 award for visiting speakers on "neuroethics" [with Brian Schrag]

2009 (Fall) IU College of Arts and Sciences "Themester" on "Evolution, Diversity, and Change" $14,000 award for visiting speakers [with Lisa Lloyd]

2006-2007 IU New Frontiers in the Arts & Humanities [with Karola Stotz] $17,000 for "Reconciling Nature and Nurture in the Study of Behavior" conference

2006-2007 IU New Frontiers in the Arts & Humanities $43,000 for "Automatic Metacontent Management for Dynamic Reference Works"

2006 IU Arts & Humanities New Perspectives [with Jason Baker] $20,000 for "Future Directions in Biology Studies" conference

2005 IU Active Learning Grant $1,500 for course enhancement: "Active Learning for Rational Decision Making"

2003 TAMU Faculty Release Fellowship: TAMU Center for Humanities Research; spring semester teaching release; project title "What is culture? Taking a nonhuman perspective"

2001 TAMU Associate Provost for Information Technology, Technology in the Classroom Award: $39,500 for Computerized Logic Instruction Cognitive Development Team (with Chris Menzel)

2000–2001 TAMU Faculty Development Leave: Texas A&M University leave; 50% salary, 9 months

2000 TAMU Association of Former Students Distinguished Teaching Award: $4,000

1999 Big 12 Faculty Fellow: $2,500 for travel to University of Colorado, Boulder

1996 TAMU Faculty Minigrant: "Assessing cognition in pigs": $1,435

1996 TAMU Electronic Learning Initiatives Grant: $5,000 for development of web-based logic proof checker

1996 TAMU Computing in the Classroom Grant: $12,500 for purchase of equipment; with Chris Menzel

1995 TAMU Teaching Incentive Grant: $1,000 for purchase of Quine videos; with Herman Saatkamp

1995 TAMU Honors Course Development Grant: $2,000 for Philosophy of Mind with special emphasis on animal cognition

1994-95 NSF Professional Development Fellowship: "Philosophy and Cognitive Ethology", Boulder, Colorado: $56,000

1994 TAMU Faculty Minigrant: "Philosophy and Cognitive Ethology": $1,000

1993 NEH Summer Seminar: "Mental Representation", University of Arizona, Prof. Robert Cummins (director): $3,500

1992-93 Scholar, TAMU Center for Teaching Excellence: $5,000

1990 TAMU Honors Course Development Grant: $1,500 for "Minds, Brains, and Computers


May 2024 - invited workshop talk "Working Memory, Emotional Regulation, and Learning Modes:
Precursors to Language in 
Plio-Pleistocene Hominins" EvoLang XV, Madison, WI.

May 2024 - invited workshop talk "Functions, abstractions and pragmatic aims" The Foundations Institue workshop on Brain Functions, UC Santa Barbara

May 2024 - invited online talk "Wisdom in the Age of Intelligent Machines" Humanity and vulnerability: Generative AI in the market and society, Center for Empirical Philosophy and Behavioral Insights

April 2024 - invited talk "Appearance or Reality: Does AI Need Emotions?" Davidson College, Davison, NC

April 2024 - invited talk "Appearance or Reality: Does AI Need Emotions?" CSU Fullerton Philosophy Symposium "Virtue and Affect for Social Robots"

April 2024 - invited talk "Hominin Working Memory in the Plio-Pleistocene" UC Irvine workhop on "Human Cognitive Evolution"

March 2024 - invited talk "Appearance or Reality? Does Artificial Intelligence Need Emotions?" Blanchard Means Lecture, Department of Philosophy, Trinity College, Hartford, CT

March 2024 - invited talk "Appearance or Reality? Does Artificial Intelligence Need Emotions?" Cal Poly San Luis Obispo philosophy department

January 2024 "On the unreasonable ineffectiveness of mathematics in psychology" Annual Interdisciplinary Conference, Jackson, WY

July 2023 "A neurofunctional account of suffering" Annual Summer Interdisciplinary Conference, Kranjska Gora, Slovenia

April 2023 - keynote speaker "Joyful Animals?" Inaugural meeting of the Philosophy of Animal Mind and Behavior Association, Madrid, Spain

March 2023 - invited talk "How much are Large Language Models Narrowing the Gap to Human Intelligence?" Department of Philosophy, University of Missouri St. Louis

March 2023 - contributed talk "How much are Large Language Models Narrowing the Gap to Human Intelligence?" Workshop on Agency in the Mountains (WAM), Brighton, Utah

February 2023 - invited talk "How much are Large Language Models Narrowing the Gap to Human Intelligence?" Pittsburgh Center for Philosophy of Science

February 2023 - contributed talk "Reconciling Dynamical and Computational Models" Annual Interdisciplinary Conference, Jackson, Wyoming

January 2023 - invited talk "How much are Large Language Models Narrowing the Gap to Human Intelligence?" Philosophy Department, Dartmouth College

October 2022 - invited talk "On the failure of a moral oracle: Delphi and its discontents" Department of Philosophy and Religion, Northeastern University

October 2022 - invited talk "On the failure of a moral oracle: Delphi and its discontents" Department of Philosophy, University of Arizona

October 2022 - invited talk "On the failure of a moral oracle: Delphi and its discontents" Department of Philosophy, University of California, Santa Barbara

September 2022 - contributed talk "Cognitive Paleoethology of Working Memory" at Philosophy of Cognitive Neuroscience: Content, Self, and Cognitive Ontology, the 37th Annual Boulder Conference on the History and Philosophy of Science

July 2022 - invited speaker "Delphi and its Discontents" Diverse Intelligences Summer Institute, St. Andrews University, Scotland

July 2022 - invited speaker "What’s wrong with bottom-up machines?" and "Wisdom in the face of unknown unknowns" Distinguished Guest Faculty Fellow, Summer Institute on Technology Ethics, Santa Clara University

June 2022 - contributed talk "The temporal structure of animal consciousness" Annual Summer Interdisciplinary Conference, Chamonix, France

February 2022 - invited speaker (virtual) "On collective wisdom when AI is involved" University of Virginia, Foundations of Biomedical Data Science series [recording]

February 2022 - invited speaker "Suffering: a neurofunctional account" Dartmouth College Cognitive Science Program

December 2021 - invited speaker (virtual) "What's wrong with bottom-up machines?" Seoul National University

November 2021 - invited speaker (virtual) "theories, Theories, and explanations in Mathematical Psychology" MathPsych at Virtual Psychonomics 2021 conference

November 2021 - invited speaker (virtual) "On the confused ethical ideology of bottom-up machines" Workshop on Intelligent Society and Ideology Tiyuan, Shanxi, China (watch recording)

July 2021 - keynote speaker (virtual) Three questions about mathematical psychology (with Osman Attah, Dzintra Ullis, Mara McGuire, Brendan Fleig-Goldstein) Society for Mathematical Psychology annual conference

April 2021 - invited speaker (virtual), Foundations of Animal Minds Conference, Johns Hopkins University, "Can there be a cognitive paleoethology? The case of working memory"

March 2021 - invited speaker (virtual), Natl. Center for Ontological Research, University at Buffalo, NY, Workshop on Classifying Philosophy: Problems and Strategies, "Classifying Philosophy — InPhO by the People and for the People" recording: YouTube

February 2021 - invited speaker (virtual), Bochum Center for Mind and Cognition, Ruhr University, Germany, "Temporal Binding as a Marker of Causal Cognition in NonHuman Animals", co-presenter Antonella Tramacere

January 2021 - invited symposium speaker (virtual), American Philosophical Association Eastern Division Conference, "Control and the Engrammatic Self",

November 2020 - invited speaker (virtual), Mississippi State University, "Engineered Wisdom for Learning Machines"

October 2020 - invited speaker (virtual), London School of Economic Conjectures and Refutations series, "Temporal Binding as a Marker of Causal Cognition in NonHuman Animals"

July 2020 - invited speaker (vitual), Diverse Intelligences Summer Institute "Suffering: A neurofunctional approach"

May 2020 - invited speaker (virtual), Australasian Experimental Philosophy Group Corpus Fortnight / Ex-Phi Conference, "Topics or Contexts? Interpretive Strategies for the Variability of Topic Models" (presenter) and "Universality and Variation in Folk Epistemology" (coauthor)

April 2020 - invited speaker (virtual), UCLA Center for Behavior, Evolution, and Culture, "Forty Years On: The Quest for a Science of Animal Minds"

February 2020 - invited speaker, Mellon-Sawyer Information Ecosystems Series, University of Pittsburgh

September 2019 - invited speaker, Conference on Animal Minds: Agency Thought and Communication, University of Zurich

June 2019 - invited speaker, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China

June 2019 - invited speaker, Renmin University, Beijing, China

April 2019 — invited keynote speaker, University of Missouri St. Louis Graduate Philosophy Conference

March 2019 — invited keynote speaker, Senior Fellows Conference, Pittsburgh Center for Philosophy of Science

February 2019 — invited speaker, American Philosophical Association, Central Division Meeting, Denver, CO

February 2019 — invited speaker, workshop on Concepts, University of Düsseldorf, Germany

December 2018 — invited speaker, lunchtime series, Pittsburgh Center for Philosophy of Science

December 2018 — invited colloquium speaker, Department of Bioethics, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD

November 2018 — invited colloquium speaker, Ohio University

November 2018 — speaker in contributed panel on “minimal cognition” at Philosophy of Science Association, San Diego, CA

October 2018 — contributed speaker at Cultural Evolution Society Conference, Tempe, AZ

October 2018 — invited colloquium speaker, cognitive science, University of California, Merced

August 2018 — organizer and speaker at workshop on human cognitive evolution, University of Pittsburgh, Center for Philosophy of Science

June 2018, invited colloquium speaker "The Evolution of Human Expertise", Renmin University of China, Beijing

June 2018, invited colloquium speaker, "Suffering: a neurofunctional account", National Academy of Science University, Beijing, China

June 2018, invited keynote speaker, "From Big Data to Biographical Data Sets: Computation, Interpretation, and Philosophy", Keynote address at First International Symposium on Big Data and Philosophy-Social Sciences, organized by NCEPU, Baoding, China.

June 2018, "Suffering: a neurofunctional account", National Academy of Science University, Beijing, China, invited talk

June 2018, "The Evolution of Human Expertise", Renmin University of China, Beijing, invited talk

May 2018 invited speaker at “Biology of Behavior” workshop, University of Quebec at Montreal

April 2018, Williamstown, MA: "Hominins, Animals, and the Evolution of Human Expertise", invited talk, Williams College.

April 2018, "Hominins are Animals Too", American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division, invited talk.

November 2017, Bethesda, MD: "Suffering: a neurofunctional account", Dept of Bioethics, National Insitutes of Health, invited colloquium.

November 2017, New York, NY: "On the possible realizers of fish pain", NYU Center for Mind, Brain, and Consciousness, conference on Animal Conciousness.

September 2017, Pittsburgh, PA: Center for Philosophy of Science lunchtime talk.

June 2017, “Computational Philosophy”, North China Electric Power University, Baoding

May 2017, "The Evolution of Human Expertise", Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Institute for Psychology.

May 2017, "Animal Pain and Suffering", Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Institute for Philosophical Investigations

May 2017, "Animal Pain and Suffering", Universidad Autonoma del Cuernavaca del Estada de Morelos (Cuernavaca), Philosophy Department

March 2017, “Human cognitive evolution”, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi’an

August 2016, Norman, Oklahoma: Digital History and Philosophy of Science Conference

August 2016, "Topic Modeling the Handian corpus", Bloomington, Indiana: CIEL-8: 8th International Conference on the Evolution of Language

June 2016, "Topic Modeling the Handian corpus", Hangzhou, China: Zhejiang University, Dept of Linguistics and Communication, Colloquium speaker

June 2016, "Artificial Morality", Shanghai: Shanghai Jiaotong University, Dept of History of Science & Technology Colloquium spaker

November 2015, "Darwin's Semantic Voyage", Xi'an Jiaotong University, School of Computer Engineering

November 2015, "Meanings, Measurements, and Models", University of Louisville, KY, Conference on Philosophy of Minds and Consciousness

October 2015, "Convergent Abstractions: Why Comparative Cognition isn't Mechanistic Enough", Boston Colloquium for Philosophy of Science, Boston University

October 2015, "Darwin’s Semantic Voyage: Exploration and Exploitation of Victorian Science in the Reading Notebooks", Michigan State University Library

October 2015, "Mental Continuity and the Measurement of Meaning", Michigan State University Dept of Philosophy

June 2015, "A continuum of suffering", Berlin School of Mind and Brain, Humboldt University.

May 2015, "Exploring TJ's Mind", Jefferson Library, International Center for Jefferson Studies, Monticello, VA (with Jaimie Murdock)

April 2015, "Back to the Vervets: What does Shannon Information have to do with Animal Communication?", Colloquium talk at Philosophy, Neuroscience, Psychology Program, Washington University, St. Louis.

March 2015, "Computational Philosophy", American Philosophical Assocation, Barwise Prize lecture, Vancover, B.C.

March 2015, "Topic Modeling with the HTRC Data Capsule", HTRC UnCamp, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

February 2015, "The SEP and the place of women in philosophy", APA Central Dvision Meeting, Panel on Status of Women in the Profession, St. Louis, MO.

December 2014, Session on Philosophy of Information, American Philosophical Association Eastern Division Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.

November 2014, "Topic Model Exploration of Jefferson's Letters", Jefferson Library and Robert H. Smith International Center for Jefferson Studies, Monticello, VA.

November 2014, "Ideas Governing Darwin's World", response to Philip Kitcher's "Governing Darwin's World", NYU Modern Philosophy Conference, New York, NY.

November 2014, "Meaning, Minds, and Models", CUNY Graduate Center, New York, NY.

November 2014, "Learning About Animal Consciousness from Animal Learning", Harvard Conference on Animal Consciousness, Cambridge, MA.

November 2014, "Exploring Topic Models", THATCamp at History of Science Society Meeting, Chicago

November 2014, "Meaning, Minds, and Models", Philosophy Neuroscience & Psychology Program, Washington University in St. Louis

October 2014, "Meaning, Minds, and Models", Department of Philosophy, University of Cincinnati

September 2014, "Meaning, Minds, and Models", Philosophy of Science Center, University of Pittsburgh

September 2014, "Group Cognition", Collective Intentionality IX, Bloomington, IN

August 2014, Challenges and Opportunities of the UCSD Map of Science‐Library of Congress Crosswalk Robert Light (presenter), Jaimie Murdock, Colin Allen, and Katy Börner. SciTS 2014, Austin, TX

June 2014, "Biographically Plausible Datasets and Big Data in the Computational Humanities", Annual Summer Interdisciplinary Conference (ASIC), Moab Utah

June 2014, "Social Networks and Animal Cognition", Conference on Future of Social Cognition: Paradigms, Concepts and Experiments, Ruhr University, Bochum

June 2014, "What is cognition?", talk to University of Tübingen Philosophy of Neuroscience group.

June 2014, "Workshop: The Future of Meaning - Pragmatics before Semantics", 2-day workshop on my work at University of Stuttgart.

June 2014, "Expertise with Words", Public lecture at University of Stuttgart.

March 2014, "Cognition at Any Scale? From cells to societies", Keynote address at Indiana Philosophical Association, Indianapolis

March 2014, "Animal meaning: pragmatics before semantics", Symposium on Animal Communication at University of Vienna, Department of Cognitive Biology

November 2013, "Learning and development, or learning as development?", University at Buffalo, NY, Cognitive Science Talk.

September 2013, "Models, mechanisms, and animal minds", Spindel Conference, University of Memphis, Memphis, TN

September 2013, Keynote: "Linking big data to fine analysis: the challenge of textual methods in the digital humanities", Digital Humanities Forum, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS

September 2013, Workshop: "Finding Meaning in the Models", Digital Humanities Forum, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS

July 2013, "Marr's three levels", Annual Summer Interdisciplinary Conference, Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italy

July 2013, "Social networks and animal behavior", International Society for History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology, Montpelier, France

June 2013, "Cognition at any scale? From cells to societies", 'What is Cognition?' conference, Ruhr University-Bochum, Germany

June 2013, "Do fish feel pain? Scientific question or boundary dispute?", Pain Conference, Glasgow University

June 2013, Society for Philosophy and Psychology, Brown University, Providence, RI

April 2013, Isis CB Workshop, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK

March 2013, Comments on Gary Varner, "How Widespread is Pain? Assessing the Standard Argument by Analogy", American Philosophical Association, San Francisco, CA

March 2013, "Ethics and the science of animal welfare", European Marine Mammal Conference, Nuremberg, Germany

March 2013, "An obituary for the philosophy of animal pain", Workshop on Animal Pain, Glasgow University

February 2013, "Ethics, Law and Animal Welfare", Pennsylvania State University

January 2013, "Fish Cognition and Consciousness", University of West Florida, Pensacola

January 2013, "Moral Machines", University of West Florida, Pensacola

January 2013, Workshop on Anticipatory Ethics, Responsibility and Artificial Agents, University of Virginia, VA.

January 2013, Workshop on Animal Pain and Consciousness, York University, Toronto, Canada

November, 2012, "Meerkats, Monkeys, and Information", Nelson Lecture, Indiana University Philosophy Department.

October, 2012, "Monkeys, Meerkats, Meaning, and Information". Invited Talk, University of Chicago.

July 2012, "Machines that Seem to Care", Invited talk, University of Stuttgart, Germany.

July 2012, "The Geometry of Partial Understanding", Invited talk, British Wittgenstein Society annual conference, University of Hertfordshire, UK.

July 2012, "If a Lion Could Speak...", Invited Talk at Minding Animals Conference, Utrecht, Netherlands.

July 2012, "A tale of two encyclopedias", Keynote Address at the International Association for Computing and Philosophy, Birmingham, UK.

April 2012, "Caring Animals, Killing Machines, and the Role of Science in Law and Ethics." Invited talk at Center for Science Ethics and Public Policy Inaugural Symposium, University of Delaware.

April 2012, Murdock, J., Buckner, C., and Allen, C., "Containing the Semantic Explosion", refereed presentation at PhiloWeb workshop of 21st World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2012), Lyon, France.

April 2012, "Unconscious perception", invited symposium presentation at American Philosophical Association Pacific Division Conference, Seattle, WA.

March 2012, "Law, Ethics, and the Science of Fish Welfare", invited presentation at the Science, Ethics, and Law Symposium, University of Tennessee, Knoxville.

February, 2012,"Robot Ethics: Real problems for real technology?", invited presentation at EPIIC 2011-2012: Conflict in the 21st Century, Tufts University, Boston, MA.

January 2012 "Do Fish Feel Pain?", University of Houston.

January, 2012, "The Geometry of Partial Understanding", invited lecture at Baylor University Conference on Philosophy of Religion and Epistemology, Baylor, Texas.

September 2011, "Fish Cognition and Consciousness", Purdue University.

July 2011, Rossi, A. Parada, FJ. Allen, C. Visual Attention in Dogs. (July 26 - 30, 2011) Behavior 2011: Joint Meeting of the Animal Behavior Society and the International Ethological Conference. Indiana University, Bloomington, IN. USA.

June, 2011, "Models, Mechanisms, and Animal Minds", University of Göttingen.

May 2011, "Dogfight on the cognitive plateau." A public discussion between Colin Allen and Hanjo Glock (University of Zurich) about animal minds and philosophy.

May 2011, "Animal cognition and the limits of experimental methods", Leeds University.

May 2011, "Models, Mechanisms, and Animal Minds", Edinburgh University.

May 2011, "The Content of Animal Minds", Institute for Advanced Studies, University of London.

May 2011, "A perceptual account of symbolic reasoning", Workshop on Philosophy and the Brain: Computation Realization, Representation, Institute of Advanced Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

April 2011, "Umwelt or Umwelten? How should we understand shared representation in the face of such diversity?" Keynote address, Zoosemiotics Conference, University of Tartu, Estonia.

March 2011, Workshop on Animal Minds, three-lecture series, Ruhr University, Bochum, Germany.

March, 2011, "Models, Mechanisms, and Animal Minds", Tilburg, Philosophy of Science Center, The Netherlands.

"Animal Minds", a series of three lectures, March, 2011, Ruhr-University, Bochum

February 2011, "Models, Mechanisms, and Animal Minds", Boston Colloquium for Philosophy of Science, Boston University.

February, 2011, "A perceptual account of symbolic reasoning", University of Colorado, Boulder.

February, 2011 "Models, Mechanisms, and Animal Minds", Department of Philosophy, University of South Carolina.

February, 2011 "A Tale of Two Ontologies: The question is which is to be master, that's all", Digital Humanities Center, University of South Carolina.

February 2011, "Fish consciousness and cognition", Leibniz Insitute for Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries, Berlin, Germany.

February 2011, "Models, Mechanisms, and Animal Minds", Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin, Germany.

January 2011, "Mirror neurons and monkey mind reading", Düsseldorf University, Germany.

December 2010, "Animal Consciousness: A case of fishy reasoning?", Ruhr-University, Bochum, Philosophy II.

December 2010, "Transitive inference in animals: A philosophical perspective", Mercator Memory Group, Bochum University.

November 2010, "Animal Cognition", University of Magdeburg, Institute for Philosophy.

November 2010, "InPhO @ Work", University of Mannheim, Computer Science KR-KM Group.

November 2010, "Ethics and the Science of Animal Minds", University of Dortmund, Germany, Dept of Philosophy.

November 2010, "Fish consciousness", DePauw University Ethics Center, Greencastle, Indiana.

November 2010, "How should we interpret research on mental capacities in fish species?", expert meeting on fish welfare: the interplay between science and ethics, Ethics Institute of Utrecht University, The Netherlands.

October 2010, "Two Methods for Evaluating Dynamic Ontologies" KEOD 2010, Valencia, Spain.

September 2010, "Framing Autonomy: Recognizing the Limits of Rules for Morality", International Committee for Robot Arms Control workshop meeting, Humboldt University, Berlin.

September 2010, "Intentionality and Abstraction", Workshop on social cognition, University of Bonn.

August 2010, "Unlabeled Possibilities: Reasoning & Concepts without Words", panel on Animal Minds, European Society for Philosophy and Psychology, Bochum, Germany.

July 2010, "Symbolic Reasoning: Scaffolded Perception and Manipulation", Konrald Lorenz Institute, Altenberg, Vienna, Austria.

June 2010, "Who, how, and what: towards a social dynamical account of reference", Workshop on Animal Communication and Reference, Berlin Wissenschaftskolleg

April 2010, "Machines that Seem to Care: Sci Phi not Sci Fi", Texas A&M University, Digital Humanities lecture series.

April 2010, "Reasoning with and without symbols", Texas A&M University, Philosophy Department.

April 2010, Authors meet Critics, "Moral Machines: Teaching robots right from wrong", Computing and Philosophy group of the American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division, San Francisco.

March 2010, "Moral Machines", Pre-conference workshop on Ethics of Pervasive, Autonomous Information Technologies, Association for Practical and Professional Ethics, Cincinnati, Ohio.

March 2010, "Neuroethics and the Use of Animals", Association for Practical and Professional Ethics, Cincinnati, Ohio.

February 2010, "Animal Pain", Ohio University, Athens, Cognitive Science.

January 2010, "What does the science of animal welfare need from definitions of pain and emotion?", University of Guelph, Ontario, Center for the Study of Animal Welfare.

January 2010, "Reasoning Without Words (Inference as Categorization)" University of Guelph, Ontario, Department of Philosophy.

December 2009, "How hard is the science of animal minds?", Invited talk, Indiana Philosophical Association conference, Bloomington, Indiana

November 2009, "Moral Machines: Teaching Robots Right from Wrong", Community of Scholars Lecture, University of Southern Indiana.

October 2009, "How to Reason Without Words", Ida Cornelia Beam Distinguished Visiting Professorship, University of Iowa.

October 2009, "Animal Pain", Ida Cornelia Beam Distinguished Visiting Professorship, University of Iowa.

October 2009, "Moral Machines", Ida Cornelia Beam Distinguished Visiting Professorship, University of Iowa.

October 2009, "Elements of a philosophy of animal welfare science", Europäische Akademie zur Erforschung von Folgen wissenschaftlich-technischer Entwicklungen, Bad Neuenahr, Germany

July 2009, "In search of cognition" Minding Life conference, University of Adelaide, Australia

July 2009, "Wrangling with the Umwelt" (Session Commentator) International Society for History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology, Brisbane, Australia.

July 2009, "How to Really Talk about Cognition across Phyla" (Panelist) International Society for History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology, Brisbane, Australia.

July 2009, "Mind over Matter?" (Panelist) Adelaide Festival of Ideas [ABC podcast]

July 2009, "Robot Morality" Adelaide Festival of Ideas

June 2009, "Do Students Allow Themselves To Be Babied? Evidence of Judicious Use of an Online Hint System." North American Computing and Philosophy conference, Bloomington, Indiana

June 2009, "Similar Minds" (Presidential Address) Society for Philosophy & Psychology, Bloomington, Indiana.

May 2009, "Comparative Cognitive Modeling" CompCog: Social genes, social brains and social minds, Budapest, Hungary.

March 2009, "Goggles vs. Implants: Why Cognitive Nanoethics Just Ain't in the Head" Human Enhancement & Nanotechnology Conference, Kalamazoo, Michigan.

March 2009, "Ethics and the Science of Animal Minds, with particular attention to Pain", Yale Bioethics Center, New Haven, CT.

March 2009, "Author Meets the Critics: Moral Machines: Teaching Robots Right From Wrong" Association for Practical and Professional Ethics, Cincinnati, OH.

February, 2009, "Ethics and the Science of Animal Minds", Arnold L. Putterman Lectureship Series, Bucknell University, Pennsylvania.

February, 2009, "Machine Morality: Teaching (Ro)Bots Right from Wrong", Arnold L. Putterman Lectureship Series, Bucknell University, Pennsylvania.

November 2008, "The world is not flat: Expertise and InPhO" Sciences en société: Dialogues et responsabilité, Economic and Social Council, Paris, France

September 2008, "How hard is the science of animal minds?" Humanities School, Xi'an Jiatong University, Xi'an, China

September, 2008, "Machine Morality: Teaching Robots Right from Wrong", Cogntive Engineering group, Xi'an Jiatong University, Xi'an, China

July 2008, "Moral Machines: Teaching Robots Right from Wrong", UQAM Minds & Societies Summer Institute, Montreal, Canada

June 2008, "How Hard is the Science of Animal Minds?" Workshop on Animal Cognition: Philosophical and Empirical Perspectives, University of Bristol, UK

June 2008, "Learning and Development, or Learning as Development?", Biological Explanations of Behavior: Philosophical Perspectives, University of Hannover, Germany

May 2008, "How Hard is the Science of Animal Minds?", Decade of the Mind III Symposium: Emergence of Mind, The Great Ape Trust, Des Moines, IA [video]

April 2008, "How to reason without words: Inference as Categorization", Dept. of Philosophy, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa

April 2008, "Smart Animals, Dumb Humans? How Should We Understand the Evolutionary Continuity of Mind?", ALLELE (Alabama Lectures on Life's Evolution), Tuscaloosa, AL

April 2008, "How to reason without words: Inference as Categorization", Philosophy Dept, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa.

March 2008, "Do humans dream of emotional machines?", American Society for Aesthetics, Asilomar, CA

March 2008, "InPhO: The Indiana Philosophy Ontology Project", Webwise 2008, Miami Beach, FL

February 2008, "Machine Morality" IUPUI, Indianapolis, IN [video]

January 2008, "How to reason without words: Deduction as Categorization", Cognitive Science, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia

January 2008, "Ethics and the science of animal minds", University of Pennsylvania Center for Bioethics, Philadelphia

November 2007 "How to reason without words: Inference as Categorization", University of Memphis, TN

November 2007 "Monkeys, Mirror Neurons, and Other Minds", Crick Lecture Series, University of Evansville, IN

October 2007 "How to reason without words: Inference as Categorization", Indiana University, IN

September 2007, "How to reason without words: Deduction as Categorization", University of Bonn, Germany

August 2007, "Spinal mechanisms for learning: reduction to the lowest common denominator?", Panel on Mechanisms, Functions, Organization, and Emergence: New Perspectives on Reductionism, International Society for History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology, Exeter, England

August 2007, "Developing Theories of Imitation", International Society for History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology, Exeter, England

July 2007, "Representations in the Spinal Cord?", Annual Summer Interdisciplinary Conference, Kalymnos, Greece

June 2007, "A Dynamic Ontology for a Dynamic Reference Work", Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, Vancouver (with Mathias Niepert and Cameron Buckner)

June 2007, "From cell-surface receptors to higher learning: A whole world of experience", Society for Philosophy and Psychology, Toronto (with Karola Stotz)

April 2007 "Expressing Pain and Expressing Disapproval: An Expressivist Origin for Moral Cognition?", Conference on Understanding Other Minds and Moral Agency, College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, MA

March 2007, "Beyond Nature and Nurture", Symposium on "Reconciling Nature and Nurture in the Study of Behavior", Indiana University, Bloomington (with Karola Stotz)

February 2007, "Monkeys, Minds, and Mirror Neurons", Conference on "Mirror Neurons and Cognition", California State University, Long Beach

December 2006 "An Optimist's Tale: Comments on Josh Storrs Hall on Machine Ethics" Commentary at American Philosophical Association, Washington, DC.

November 2006 "Neo-Expressivism and the Meaning of Animal Communication" Expression Workshop: Art, Language, Ethology, and Ethics, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (with Andrew McAninch & Grant Goodrich).

July 2006 "Mind and World: An unprincipled distinction?" Annual Summer Interdisciplinary Conference, Andalsnes, Norway.

June 2006 "Deduction & Categorization in Nonhuman Animals" Society for Philosophy and Psychology (with Ronaldo Vigo).

April 2006 "Revisiting History: Morgan's Canon" Commentary at APA Central Division Meeting, Chicago.

February 2006 "Evolving Moral Agents" Yale University Bioethics Project, New Haven, CT

February 2006 "Animal Consciousness: What's the problem?" Winter Conference in Animal Learning and Behavior, Winter Park, CO.

January 2006 "Deciphering Animal Pain" Yale University, New Haven, CT

January 2006 "Artificial Morality: Top-Down, Bottom-Up, and Hybrid Approaches" Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis Colloquium Series, Indiana University.

November 2005 "Machine Ethics" Plenary address at AAAI Fall 2005 Symposia, Washington, D.C.

November 2005 "Machine Morality: Bottom-up and Top-down Approaches for Modeling Human Moral Faculties" AAAI Fall 2005 Symposium on Machine Ethics (with W. Wallach)

November 2005 "Macaque Mirror Neurons: What Do They Do?" Franklin & Marshall College, Lancaster, PA

September 2005 "Animal Pain" Department of Ethology, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary

August 2005 "Cognitive Ethology as Philosophy" Special Symposium in Honor of Donald Griffin, Animal Behavior Society Annual Meeting, Snowbird, UT

July 2005 "Android Ethics: Bottom-up and Top-down Approaches for Modeling Human Moral Faculties" CogSci 2005 Workshop: Toward Social Mechanisms of Android Science, Stresa, Italy (with W. Wallach)

July 2005 "Artificial Morality: top-down, bottom-up, and hybrid approaches" Sixth International Conference of Computer Ethics: Philosophical Enquiry, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands (with I. Smit and W. Wallach)

July 2005 "Theories and judgments: Top-down ethics and artificial moral agents" 17th International Conference on Systems Research, Informatics and Cybernetics, Baden-Baden, Germany

June 2005 "Macaque Mirror Neurons: Detecting Intentions Intentionally?" Society for Philosophy and Psychology Annual Meeting, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC

May 2005 "Macaque Mirror Neurons: Detecting Intentions Intentionally?" Thacher Lecture, George Washington University, Washington, D.C.

April 2005 "Observation, Empathy, and Moral Progress" Scripps Humanities Institute Conference "Empathy and Others", Claremont, CA

March 2005 "Morality's Progress" (in Dale Jamieson's author meets critics session) American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division

February 2005 "Macaque Mirror Neurons: Detecting Intentions Intentionally?" International Workshop on the Evolution of Cognition, University of Delaware

February 2005 "Deciphering Animal Pain" University of Cincinnati, OH

November 2004 "The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy", Indiana University, School of Informatics

November 2004 "Deciphering Animal Pain", Indiana University

October 2004 "Making Robots Moral". Commentary on Floridi & Sanders. 2004 Workshop on New Directions in Understanding Ethics and Technology, University of Virginia, Charlotte

April 2004 "Jumping the GAP: Animal cognition beyond the great apes" Being and Animal, "Fostering Dialogue" Theme-Year Event, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC

April 2004 "Non-conceptual content for animals: what's the point?" Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology, New Orleans

March 2004 "Transitive inference in animals" University of Texas, Arlington

February 2004 "What could animals do with nonconceptual content?" Stanford University

February 2004 "What could animals do with nonconceptual content?" University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

January 2004 "Transitive inference in animals" Indiana University, Bloomington

January 2004 "Is Anyone a cognitive ethologist?" Indiana University, Bloomington

November 2003 "Animal Pain" Washington University, St. Louis

September 2003 "Animal 'Culture'? Defining the Boundaries" Texas A&M University, "Manifestations of Culture" symposium

July 2003 "Artificial Moral Agents" Texas Tech University, Lubbock

June 2003 "Affordances for Research: Response to Chemero and Heyser" Society for Philosophy and Psychology, Cal Tech

May 2003 "Stanford Encyclopedia" ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, Houston, Texas (Demo)

April 2003 "Is Anyone a Cognitive Ethologist?" 39th Annual Taft/Philosophy Colloquium, University of Cincinnati, OH

April 2003 "Animal Culture" Southwest Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas

February 2003 "King Solomon's Imagination" Imagining Minds: Bradshaw Conference at Claremont Graduate University, CA

January 2003 "Animal Pain: Science, Philosophy, and Policy" College of Charleston, SC

January 2003 "Artificial Moral Agents (Or Ethics For Robots)" College of Charleston, SC

November 2002 "Animal Pain" University of Alabama, Birmingham

November 2002 "Artificial Moral Agents: can A.I. do ethics?" University of Alabama, Birmingham

October 2002 "Transitive Inference in Animals" ARMADILLO (Southwest Cognition) conference, San Antonio, TX

October 2002 "Transitive Inference in Animals" Rational Animals? Conference, Oxford, UK

August 2002 "Parrots, Pongids, People: Where to look for the origins of consciousness?" Origins of Consciousness "expert" session at American Psychological Association, Chicago

August 2002 "Calculated Morality: Ethical Computing in the Limit" 14th International Conference on Systems Research, Informatics and Cybernetics, Baden-Baden, Germany

July 2002 "The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Progress and Prospects" NSF-DLI2/JISC All Projects Meeting, Edinburgh, Scotland

June 2002 "Looking for Self in all the Wrong Places?" Society for Philosophy and Psychology, Edmonton, Canada

May 2002 "Do Behaviorists Dream of Mechanical Sheep? The Quest for Predictability in Comparative Psychology" Southwestern Comparative Psychology Association, Corpus Christi, TX

March 2002 "Animal Pain: How Similar Does it Need to Be?" Humans and Other Animals Symposium, University of Richmond

January 2002 "Animal Pain and the Law" Texas Tech University, Lubbock

January 2002 "Intentional Content for Ethology: or Why there are more interesting problems than the disjunction problem" Texas Tech University, Lubbock

September 2001 "Animal Pain" Texas A&M Department of Philosophy

September 2001 "Animal Pain" Central Texas Philosophy of Science Colloquium, Austin

June 2001 "Species of Misunderstanding: Response to Chemero and Jonnal" Society for Philosophy and Psychology, University of Cincinnati

May 2001 "Intentional Content for Ethology: or Why there are more interesting problems than the disjunction problem" University of California, Davis

May 2001 "Stanford Encyclopedia" ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, Roanoke, Virginia (Demo)

April 2001 "Animal Pain" University of New Mexico, Albuquerque

January 2001 "Conscious pain: Higher intellectual capacity or basic function of the brain?" Winter Conference on Animal Learning and Behavior, Winter Park, CO

March 2000 "Animal Concepts" University of Connecticut, Storrs

February 2000 "Do Behaviorists Dream of Mechanical Sheep? Black Boxes, Mind Reading, and the Explanation of Animal Behavior" [abstract] Indiana University, Bloomington

December 1999 "Cognitive Ethology" American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division

September 1999 "What is a trait?" Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas

August 1999 "Logic on the Web" 14th Annual Computers and Philosophy Conference, Pittsburgh, PA

June 1999 "Theories of mind in infants and primates." Society for Philosophy and Psychology, Stanford University

March 1999 "What is a trait?" Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, Texas

March 1999 "Animal Consciousness" Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, Texas

February 1999 "The Evolution of Consciousness and the Limits of Cognitive Ethology" Stanford University, CogLunch Series

June 1998 "Animal mind: philosophical and ethological perspectives." Workshop "Apes and Humans at an Ethical Frontier", Orlando, FL

April 1998 "Content then and now." Conference on Naturalism, Evolution, and Intentionality, University of Western Ontario, Canada

February 1998 "Animal Minds: Science or Philosophy?" Rhodes College, Memphis, Tennessee

February 1998 "Animal Consciousness" University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Department of Philosophy

February 1998 "The evolution of reference." University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Evolution and Culture Group

September 1997 "Animal concepts revisited." Conference on animal mind, University of Bremen, Germany

August 1997 "Animal concepts revisited." Workshop on cognitive ethology, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary

August 1997 "The evolution of reference." International Ethological Congress, Vienna, Austria (Poster talk)

July 1997 "Animal consciousness: philosophical perspective." Perspectives on Animal Consciousness, Wageningen International Conference Centre, Wageningen, the Netherlands

April 1997 "Animal Consciousness." University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa

October 1996 "The evolution of reference." Washington University, St. Louis

July 1996 Assessing animal cognition: philosophical and ethological perspectives. Symposium on animal cognition, American Society for Animal Science, Rapid City

July 1996 "Actions and objects: unequal partners in the evolution of communication." Symposium on evolutionary psychology, Cognitive Science Society, San Diego

April 1996 "Why be conscious?" Hampshire College, Massachusetts, School of Cognitive Science

March 1996 "Why be conscious?" University of Oklahoma, Norman, Department of Philosophy

February 1996 "Why be conscious?" University of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette, Cognitive Science Group

January 1996 "Why be conscious?" University of California, Los Angeles, Cognitive Science Group

May 1995 "Animal psychology: on the adequacy of mentalistic terms for the explanation of animal behavior." Third Annual Pittsburgh-Konstanz Philosophy of Science Colloquium, Konstanz, Germany

March 1995 "Intentional causation: it isn't what you think." University of Colorado, Boulder, Department of Philosophy

January 1995 "Cognitive ethology: problems and prospects." Institute for Cognitive Science, University of Colorado, Boulder

March 1994 "The causal relevance of mental properties." American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division

February 1994 "An artificial neural network model of primary sequential memory." Twelfth annual Houston conference on Biomedical Engineering Research

November 1993 "Short term sequential memory." University of Houston, Downtown, Neural Modelling Society

November 1993 "Short term sequential memory." Texas A&M University, Neural Modelling Society

October 1993 "The causal relevance of mental properties." Texas A&M University, Philosophy;

June 1993 "Cognitive ethology: Slayers, skeptics, and proponents." Society for Philosophy and Psychology Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada

May 1993 "Short term sequential memory." Texas A&M University, Cognitive Psychology

March 1993 "Compiling and interpreting distinctions." Commentary on "Can computers carry content `inexplicitly'?" American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division

January 1993 "Communication and cognition." University of New Mexico, Dept. of Philosophy

December 1992 "Communication and cognition." Texas A&M University, Dept. of Philosophy

October 1992 "Communication and cognition: is information the connection?" Symposium on cognitive ethology, Philosophy of Science Association, Chicago

July 1992 "Intentionality: natural and artificial." Given at Comparative Approaches to Cognitive Science `CACS92' An International Summer School, Aix-en-Provence, France

December 1991 "On (not) defining play." American Society of Zoologists Annual Meeting, Atlanta

August 1991 Commentary on "Abstract ideas in Locke, Berkeley, and Hume." Hume Society Conference, University of Oregon, Eugene

May 1991 "Mental content in animals." U. C. Davis, Animal Behavior Research Group

May 1991 "Animal consciousness: scientific and moral questions." Agriculture and Human Values Society Conference, Monterey

April 1990 "Animal consciousness: a response to Carruthers." American Philosophical Association, Central Division Meetings, New Orleans

March 1990 "Imperatives and moral realism." Texas A&M University Dept. of Philosophy

October 1990 "Simple, complex, and abstract ideas." Texas A&M University Dept. of Philosophy


Doctoral Students (current active students in blue, PhD advisees graduated in green)
**Osman Attah (Pitt HPS) • *Dzintra Ullis (Pitt HPS) • *Mara McGuire (Pitt HPS) • *Caitlin Mace (Pitt HPS) • *Mel Andrews (Cincinnati PHIL) • *Elmo Feiten (Cincinnati PHIL) • *Paul Kelly (Wisconsin PHIL) **JP Gamboa (Pitt HPS 2024) • **Brendan Fleig-Goldstein (Pitt HPS 2024) • **Seth Goldwasser (Pitt PHIL, 2024) • **Dasha Pruss (Pitt HPS, 2023) • **Nedah Nemati (Pitt HPS, 2022) • **Katie Morrow (Pitt HPS, 2022) • **Mahi Hardalupas (Pitt HPS, 2021) • **Jaimie Murdock (IU INFO/COGS, 2019) • **ChiaHua Lin (U. So. Carolina PHIL, 2019) • **Kevin Mills (IU PHIL, 2019) • **Dylan Black (IU PHIL, 2019) • **Alejandra Rossi (IU COGS/NEUR 2014) • **Irina Mikhalevich (Boston University, PHIL 2013) • **Kari Theurer (IU PHIL 2012) • **Cameron Buckner (IU PHIL 2011) • **Grant Goodrich (IU HPS 2011) • **Ellie Wang (IU PHIL/COGS 2011) • **Carlos Zednik (IU COGS 2011) • **Brian Hood (IU HPS 2008) • **Ronaldo Vigo (IU COGS 2008) • **Stephen Crowley (IU PHIL 2006) • **Hilmi Demir (IU PHIL/COGS 2006) • *Jonathan Najenson (Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2021) • Kelle Dhein (ASU Bio.&Soc., 2021) • Zina Ward (Pitt HPS 2020) • *Robert Rose (IU COGS/MATH, 2020) • *Ali Mirza (IU HPS, 2020) • *Nick Zautra (IU HPS/COGS) • *Anastasia Nikoulina (IU COGS, 2020) • *Jason Yoder (IU COMPSCI/COGS, 2019) • *Matthew Hurley (IU COGS, 2018) • *Melody Dye (IU COGS 2017) • Tufan Kiymaz (IU PHIL 2017) • Francisco Magdaleno (IU PBS 2017) • *Hui Jin (XJTU PHIL, 2016) • *Eran Agmon (IU COGS, 2016) • *Robert Mahaney (IU ANTH 2015) • Robert Bowers (IU COGS 2015) • Donggil Song (IU Education 2015) • Philip Woodward (IU PHIL 2015) • *Gregory Kohn (IU PBS 2015) • *Jun Otsuka (IU HPS 2014) • *David Braithwaite (IU COGS/PBS 2014) • *Brent Kievit-Kylar (IU COGS 2014) • *Andrew McAninch (IU PHIL 2012) • Jason Lopez (IU PHIL 2011) • *Melinda Fagan (IU HPS 2007) • Diane Blackwood (TAMU WFSC 2004) • Mike Stiso (TAMU PSYC 2003) • Rachel Hull (TAMU PSYC 2003) • Jamie Rhudy (TAMU PSYC 2002) • Roy Joseph (TAMU COMM 2001) • Harold Zavarce (TAMU ECON 2000) • Cristina Pagliacci (TAMU ECON 2000) • *Cindy Sifonis (TAMU PSYC 1998) • *Steve Balfour (TAMU PSYC 1998) • David Weller (TAMU WFSC 1998); • Tamara King (TAMU PSYC 1998) • Kelly Waples (TAMU WFSC 1997) •

Masters Students
**Jon Oatess (IU HPS/COGS) • **Chongyang Yang (XJTU PHIL 2019) • Alexandra Smith (IU Neurosci 2016) • *Paul Patton (IU HPS 2014) • Jorge Morales (UNAM PHIL 2010) • Peter Sutton (TAMU PHIL 2006) • Adam Shriver (TAMU PHIL 2005) • *Cailin Emmett (TAMU PHIL) • Suzannah Creech (TAMU PSYC 2004) • *Deke Gould (TAMU PHIL 2003) • *Steven Huizenga (TAMU PHIL 2003) • Jeff Grimes (TAMU PSYC 2003) • *Cathy Schmutz (TAMU PHIL 2002) • *Jason Zinser (TAMU PHIL 2000) • *Alan Alder (TAMU PHIL 2000) • Adam Ferguson (TAMU PSYC 2000) • Amy Sieve (TAMU PSYC 2000) • *John Mullen (TAMU PHIL 1998) • *Simon Dembitzer (TAMU PHIL 1998) • Sami Grimes (TAMU PHIL 2002) • Erik Jackiw (TAMU PHIL 2001) • Clay Spawn (TAMU PHIL 1996) • David Wasser (TAMU PHIL 1999) • Spencer Lynn (TAMU WFSC 1995) • Kristy Wicker (TAMU WFSC 1996)

Rossi, A. Parada, FJ. Allen, C. (2011) Visual Attention in Dogs. Behavior 2011: Joint Meeting of the Animal Behavior Society and the International Ethological Conference. Indiana University, Bloomington, IN. USA.

Rossi, A., Parada, FJ., & Allen, C. (2010). A way to measure visual patterns in a communication context in dogs. Center for Behavioral Neuroscience Annual Symposium. Atlanta, GA. (Poster)

Rossi, A., Parada FJ., & Allen, C. (2010). DogCam V.2: measuring visual attention in dogs. Measuring Behavior Conference. Eindhoven, The Netherlands.

Rossi, A., Cahill, E. & Allen, C. (2010) Intentional communication in dog-human interaction. Women in Science Conference. Bloomington, IN. (Poster)

Rossi, A., Parada, FJ., & Allen, C. (2010). A way to measure visual pattern in social interactions in dogs. Workshop on Novel Approaches to Animal Cognition. Bloomington, IN. USA.

Rossi, A., Cahill, E. & Allen, C. (2010). Intentional behavior in dog-human communication. Tri-State Animal Learning and Behavior Conference & Center for the Integrative Study of Animal Behavior Conference, Bloomington, IN. USA.

Rossi, A. Parada, FJ. & Allen, C. (2009) Dogcam: A way to measure visual patterns in social interactions in dogs. Paper presented at the Cognitive Science Society Conference, Amsterdam. (Poster)

Rossi, A. Parada, FJ. & Allen, C. (2009). Combined human eye-tracker and dog head-tracker as a method to study social interactions. Paper presented at New Voices in Academia. Bloomington, IN.

Rossi, A. & Allen, C. (2009). Intentional Behavior in dog-human communication: preliminary results. Comparative Cognition Conference, Melbourne, FL. and Center for the Integrative Study of Animal Behavior Conference, Bloomington, IN. USA.

Rossi, A. & Allen, C. (2008). Showing Behavior in dogs. W. M. Keck Center for Behavioral Biology 10th Symposium, Raleigh, NC. USA.

Graduate Level: Philosophy of Science (TAMU, Pitt), Philosophy of Mind (TAMU), Philosophy of Biology (TAMU), Philosophy of Cognitive Science (TAMU, IU, Pitt), Scientific Concepts of Culture (IU), Theoretical Issues in Animal Cognition (IU, Pitt), History and Philosophy of Comparative Psychology and Ethology (IU, Pitt), Functions and Mechanisms in the Life Sciences (IU), Models and Explanations in the Cognitive Sciences (IU, Pitt), History & Philosophy of Mechanism (IU), HPS Professional Development Seminar (IU), Evolution of Consciousness (IU), History and Philosophy of Comparative Cognition (IU, Pitt), AI and Philosophy of Science (Pitt)

Grad./Advanced Undergrad. Courses: Digital and Computational Methods for HPS (IU), Philosophy of Cognitive Science (XJTU)

Upper Level: Philosophy of Mind (TAMU), Philosophy of Cognitive Science (TAMU, XJTU, and IU), Philosophy of Social Science (TAMU), Theory of Knowledge (UCLA), Recent British and American Philosophy (TAMU), Philosophy of Psychology (UCLA), Philosophy of Language (TAMU), Scientific Concepts of Culture (IU), The Science of Polar Exploration (Pitt), Philosophy of Science (Pitt), Philosophy of Science and Artificial Intelligence (Pitt)

Honors Courses: Minds, Brains, Humans and Computers (TAMU), Philosophy of Mind: special emphasis on Animal Cognition (TAMU), Introduction to Logic (TAMU)

Lower Level: Introduction to Logic (TAMU), Technology and Human Values (TAMU and IU), Principles of Critical Reasoning (UCLA), Introduction to Philosophy of Science (UCLA), Philosophical Foundations of Cognitive Science (IU), Rational Decision Making (IU); Evolving Minds (ELTE), Mind, Brains, Computers, Robots (IU), Science of Animal Minds: Smart Animals, Dumb Humans (IU), Introduction to Cognitive Science (IU)

Assisted (UCLA): Philosophy of Science (A. Fine, R. Healey), Skepticism and Rationality (R. Yost), Philosophy of Mind (E. Stabler, E. McCann), Virtues and Vices (P. Foot), Ancient Greek Philosophy (M. Furth), Introduction to Moral and Political Philosophy (J. Hampton), Symbolic Logic (D. Kalish), Minds Brains Humans and Computers (Honors course: C. Taylor), Neurobiology and Complex Systems (Honors course: L. Goldberg), Principles of Critical Reasoning (various);


American Association for the Advancement of Science, "Halcyon Dialogue" Programming Committee, 2016-2017.

Local arrangements committee for CIEL-8 (8th International Conference on Evolutionary Linguistics), Bloomington 2016.

Local arrangements host for the North American Conference for Computing and Philosophy (NACAP), Bloomington 2008.

European Conference on Computing and Philosophy (Conference programme track chair for "Biological Information, Artificial Life, Biocomputation" 2006)

Society for Philosophy and Psychology (President 2008-2009, Executive committee 1999-2002 and 2007-2010; Program co-chair 2004; conference web submission site 2002-2007)

American Philosophical Association (Central Division meeting program committee 2004)

American Association for the Advancement of Science (member)

Philosophy of Science Association (member)

The Behavioral and Brain Sciences (associate)


Adaptive Behavior; Aesthetics; A.I. Magazine; American Philosophical Quarterly; American Psychologist; American Zoologist; Animal Behaviour; Animal Cognition; Animal Welfare; Behavioral & Brain Sciences; Behavior and Philosophy; Between the Species; Biology & Philosophy; British Journal for the Philosophy of Science; Cognition; Cognitive Systems Research; Computer Magazine (IEEE); Connection Science; Current Biology; Current Zoology; Dialogue; Environmental Biology of Fishes; Erkenntnis; Evolution; Fish and Fisheries; Foundations of Science; Frontiers in Psychology; Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience; History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences; History of Psychology; IEEE Intelligent Systems; IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing; Information Science; Institute for Laboratory Animal Research Journal; International Journal of Comparative Psychology; International Studies in the Philosophy of Science; iScience; Journal of Applied Philosophy; Journal of Comparative Psychology; Journal of Consciousness Studies; Journal of Information Science; Journal of Philosophical Research; Journal of Philosophy; Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior; Journal of the History of Biology; Learning & Behavior; Language Resources and Evaluation; Memory and Cognition; Mind; Mind & Language; Minds and Machines; Naturwissenschaft; Noûs; Patterns; Philosophers' Imprint; Philosophical Papers; Philosophical Psychology; Philosophical Quarterly; Philosophical Studies; Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B; Philosophy and Phenomenological Research; Philosophy of Science; PLOS Computational Biology; PLOS ONE; Psychological Bulletin; Science; Southern Journal of Philosophy; Studies in Ethics, Law, and Technology; Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences; Studies in History and Philosophy of Science; Synthese; TopiCS in Cognitive Science;


Blackwell Publishing; Cambridge University Press; University of Chicago Press; MIT Press; Oxford University Press;

Granting Agencies

Alexander von Humboldt Foundation; EUROCORE; European Research Council; John Templeton Foundation, USA; Konrad Lorenz Institute, Austria; MacArthur Foundation, USA; National Endowment for the Humanities, USA; National Science Foundation, USA; Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters; Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada; Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning; Templeton World Charity Foundation, Nassau, Bahamas;


Biologically Inspired Computing Architectures Society; Human Robot Interactions; Society for Philosophy and Psychology; American Philosophical Association

2020-present. Member, Center for Philosophy of Science Advisory Board (ex officio as Associate Director)

2020-2021. Chair of faculty committee appointed by Provost & Vice Chancellor to hear faculty appeal of tenure denial.

2019-2020. Member, Provost's Data Science Task Force, University of Pittsburgh

2018-present. Department webmaster, HPS, Pitt

2018-present. Ad hoc promotion committees, Dietrich School of Arts & Sciences, Pittsburgh

2017-2018 Member, Organizing committee Themester 2019, IU.

2016 Member, University Grand Challenge review panel.

2015-2017 Member, Digital Arts & Humanities Certificate Program committee, IU.

2015-2016 Member Wells Library Master Planning Faculty Advisory Committee, IU.

2014-2017 Member, Campus Sustainability Advisory Board, and co-Chair of Transportation Working Group, IU.

2013 Member, Provost's Strategic Planning Committee, Research sub-committee, IU

2013 Member, Dean's Committee to establish Program in Human Evolution, IU College of Arts & Science

2012-2017 Elected member, Steering Committee, Alliance of Distinguished and Titled Professors, IU/IUPUI

2011-2012 College "Themester" Organizing Committee: "Good behavior, bad behavior: molecules to morality"

2007-2014 Steering Committee, Center for the Integrative Study of Animal Behavior, IU

2007-2009 College Committee for Undergraduate Education

2006-2008 University General Education Committee / Social & Historical subcommittee.

2003-2004 Transportation Services Customer Advisory Committee

2003 Dean of Faculty ad hoc salary grievance committee

2002 Department of Psychology, Department Head Hiring Committee

1999-2004 University Research Standards Officer, nominated by Faculty Senate, appointed by Vice President for Research and Associate Provost for Graduate Studies, six year term.

1997-2000 College of Liberal Arts Council, elected at-large representative, three year term

1999 College Ad Hoc Committee on Teaching in the College

1997-1998 Department Curriculum Committee

1996-1999 Department Steering Committee

1993-1994 University Human Subject Protection Committee

1992 College Ad Hoc Committee on Faculty Computing

1991-1992 Department Steering Committee

Public Media

[April 2023] University of Pittsburgh 'Science Revealed' session on "ChatGPT Wrote this Title: Exploring the Impact of AI on Our Minds and Society" available on YouTube

[May 2022] Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs "Any Progress in Building Moral Machines?"

[Aug 2020] KCRW Santa Monica radio's Life Examined "In a pandemic of loneliness, people talk to chatbots"

[2020] Natural Philosophers podcast "Animal Consciousness"

[2019] The Dissenter podcast "Minds, Cognition, And Cognitive Ethology"

[2017] SCI PHI podcast "Episode 13"

[2016] Rationally Speaking podcast "Do fish feel pain"

[2007] Philosophy Talk radio show "Animal Minds"
